XBOX One vs PS4 – Specifications

This is a three part series on the XBOX One and PS4. Part 1 will be Specifications, Part 2 will be Features and Part 3 will be Games.

A new generation of gaming consoles have been revealed this year. Sony revealed the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft revealed the XBOX One. Both are huge upgrades compared to their predecessors, but only one can achieve true greatness. Which one will it be?

Before entering this very sensitive topic, I must say that I will do my best to be as unbiased as possible considering I am a one sided PS3 gamer.


Let’s take a look at the specifications.



The XBOX One holds an 8 Core MS custom processor with 8 GB of DDR3 RAM. It also has a 500 GB Hard Drive. The 802.11n Wireless with WiFi Direct is a standard. There is no information on what their GPU is, although a Microsoft rep has told IGN “AMD is our primary partner for the custom silicon that makes up our GPU/CPU SOC that is the heart of the XBOX One.”(Source: IGN)

They also include their typical cross game chat (party chat) that came along with the XBOX 360. With the new USB standards, built in USB 3.0 ports are a must for the system. It has a Blu-ray and DVD drive. Lastly, it has your typical HDMI input and output port that supports 4K and of course your good old optical output.

PlayStation 4

The PS4 boasts the 8 Core AMD Jaguar with 8 GB of DDR5 RAM. The PS4 also has 500 GB of HDD storage. It has a different networking hardware: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n. The GPU is an AMD next-gen Radeon based graphics card/engine.

It has two built in USB 3.0 ports, an auxiliary port, an HDMI port and an optical port.

Processing Factor

Recently, XBOX Product Planning Executive Albert Penello said that comparing specifications is meaningless. “It’s not going to matter,” he says. He also mentioned the generation of gaming when 16 bit and 32 bit battled. Surely, in that time, there was a huge difference. I beg to differ, Microsoft.

I found this video by WoodysGamertag to be very informative. It compares the processing power between the PS4 and XBOX One.

For now, I must say that the PS4 is taking the lead with specifications. It holds true to being slightly more powerful than the XBOX One (based on CPU and GPU power).

All specifications are subject to change.

Playstation 3 – Brick Fix

About two weeks ago, Playstation sent out the firmware update. When people downloaded and installed that update, their Playstations would not work. In technical terms, their Playstation was bricked.

Sony took quick action, considering that they made wronged the Nation when Anonymous took down their servers a while back. They sent out a new firmware update (Version 4.46) for Playstation users on June 27. Players can simply use a USB stick and install the firmware update into their bricked PS3s.

No more worries, my fellow Playstation gamers!

I have the link right here:

I hope everyone who got their PS3s bricked, that they get their PS3s back to normal again! Good luck!

By the way, this is how I feel about this situation:

Keep Chewing!

Guide to Linux

So, I haven’t had much insight towards this topic: Linux.

Linux, being an awesome, open source and free operating system is growing fast! There are new users each day, no matter which distribution. Truly, it is a remarkable piece of software.

I found this site, talking about what Linux is and everything in between. It’s called Newbie’s Guide to Linux.


What’s my take on Linux? Not much, really. I haven’t got the chance to fully use, although I’ve learned how to install it and used it for a few days in class. It’s a great operating system and worth downloading and installing. Honestly, I don’t have enough experience with it to give it any verdict. I did enjoy using it even though it was only for a while.

I actually laughed a little after reading Microsoft’s comment on Linux.

Sorry if I haven’t had any activity for the past few days. I missed the Chewy of the Week from last week, so I’ll be posting three Chewies this week.

Keep Chewing!

From Sand to Silicon

Let me establish my feelings for Intel. This should sum it up.

While looking through some YouTube videos, I found this Intel video about microchips. I really enjoyed this video because of the way they showed how they are made and what they do with it. Intel is pretty good with this stuff, especially showing off their products. Take a look at the Silicon Photonics video that I featured a while ago. It shows off 128 GIGABITS! Amazing!

Here’s the video!


Motorola has been a powerful adversary in the mobile industry. They’ve released multiple phones such as the RAZR, ATRIX and the coming MOTO X.

Honestly, this phone looks amazing. The design is phenomenal and the look of it is just awesome!

I personally own a Motorola phone: the Motorola Atrix HD LTE.

It’s a pretty “old” phone. I got a few months back. When I purchased it, the phone was free for any contracted plan. I usually pay $22/month, so it was a steal. The only reason why it was free was because they were going to take it off the market. I actually got a dying phone. It’s not a good thing, but hey, at least I have a rare phone! Well, not necessarily.

The phone is great. It’s built to perform with a Dual Core SnapDragon Processor. It has 1 GB RAM and 8 GB of internal memory. What’s cool about this phone is that it is built with a Kevlar body and Gorilla glass screen. I can literally drop this on the floor and it wouldn’t break the screen or break the phone. It’s awesome.

It has the Android Ice Cream Sandwich Nexus OS. The GUI is beautiful, but I wish it would be smoother. At times it does lag and with the minimal RAM, sometimes apps crash or even the OS crashes.

The design is beautiful. At first I was not used to the 5” size of the screen, but I’m fine with it now. It has an awesome gun metal black design with the Motorola name on top of its speakers.

Overall, the design is great, the processing is fine and the phone is sturdy. Truly, this one is built for me and my accident-prone hands. I give it a 7 out of 10.

Thanks for reading! Follow the blog!

Keep Chewing!

Execute Jokes

There are so many jokes out there about computers. I’m sorry I haven’t done this in a while, but I completely lost time on finding some good jokes.

Here are a few good ones that will surely make you laugh!

If at first you don’t succeed, call it version 1.0

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code.

In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows?

I’m not anti-social; I’m just not user friendly.

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.


Here’s the last one. It’s some funny code.

if ( == true) {
    user.scream("OH, F**K YOU");
}// Awesome and Keep Chewing!

Microsoft “Returns”

Recently, Microsoft announced that they will drop all of their policies. They are now allowing the free use of used games. They are also returning the online freedom back to the gamers. This means that XBOX One users do not have to be online once every 24 hours.

All I can say? Meh.


They had to do this just to break even. There are a few factors as to why XBOX One will not sell more than the PS4:

  • Online service is $10 cheaper in the PS4 (I think).
  • PS4 have more exclusives than XBOX One.
  • Pre-orders for the PS4 have already skyrocketed compared to the XBOX One.
  • The design for the PS4 is already a slim version compared to the bulky XBOX One.
  • The PS4 is $100 cheaper than XBOX One.

Microsoft made a huge mistake releasing the XBOX One for $499, but more importantly, they made their most costly mistake when they released their DRM policies. I think they’ll return to their DRM policies when people start buying the XBOX One.

Gamers unite! Let them know that the Playstation Nation is standing strong in victory.

Keep Chewing!

The Lego Movie

I am so excited for this. To be honest, I never thought that they would even bother making something like this. It’s one of those times where I like being proven wrong.

Warner Bros will be making a Lego Movie!

Here’s the trailer:

I cannot wait. It is definitely something worth looking out for in 2014.

Keep Chewing!

My Pokemon Card Collection

I’ve been working on my small collection of Pokemon cards. Here’s the story:

When I was a kid, about six or seven years old, I had a large Pokemon card collection. It was massive, believe me. I had at least 700 to 900 cards in total. I was the biggest geek in Pokemon between my friends.

Just recently, about a few years ago, my parents threw out my collection. Without me knowing, I had to accept it. They threw it out for no apparent reason. My precious collection, gone.

I’m trying to rebuild my collection. Here it is:

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Keep Chewing!


After almost two weeks worth of studying Physics and approximately studying World Religions in less than six hours, I finally finished my finals!

In the beginning, the stress was there and so was the anxiety. I felt like a warrior in a battle, waiting for the enemy, studying their every move, finding their weak spot. What did I think? I thought this was MADNESS!

examssTo those that are writing their exams or finished their exams, just remember:


This isn’t my typical post. I just wanted to tell you all that my absence is because of my final exams.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!


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