We have new content! FUS RO DAH!

I updated the whole blog today. These updates include:

  1. New template: Enterprise
  2. New logo: Tech Gum Version 4.0
  3. New category: TGP –> Tech Gum Projects
  4. Category change: Other –> Gum

The template is great. It’s professional, elegant and simple. I like it.

I changed the logo because I had to change the dimensions for the header. Considering I really like this template, this may be (but subject to change) the permanent template of Tech Gum!

The new category, TGP, is going to be a new segment for the blog. Further information can be found in the About page.

I also changed the category name from Other to Gum. Instead of giving my random posts like this as an Other category (too generic and bland), I’ll be giving it the category Gum.

Hopefully, this gave the blog a cleaner feel and smoother flow to it.

Keep Chewing!


Thanks for reading the tagline!

A Geek's Notepad

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