The Playstation Nation and GAMES!

Playstation rocked the E3 event when they finally revealed almost all the info about the PS4. Everyone from the Playstation Nation and even the XBOX fanboys are excited for this console! I, myself, cannot wait!

For some who do not know, you will need a Playstation Plus account to access full online and multiplayer immersion. That’s a good start for Sony. This means they’ll improve their servers.

After revealing the design of the PS4, everyone was amazed! Considering all the consoles before, they were expecting something larger. Considering Microsoft and Sony redesign their hardware every two years or so. The PS4 is slimmer, smoother and sexier than the XBOX One. That’s a huge advantage.

Oh, and GAMES!

So many games were shown, previewed and revealed at Sony’s press conference. Triple A games like KILLZONE Shadow Fall, Infamous: Second Son, NBA 2K14, Dark Sorcerer and DRIVE CLUB! Most of these games will be Playstation exclusives!

KILLZONE Shadow Fall

Infamous: Second Son

Drive Club

Plus, Square Enix finally stole our hearts (puns intended) showed off their Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3! That’s going to be awesome, for sure!

Don’t forget Destiny! Destiny will be the next generation of larger platform, first person shooter, massive multiplayer experience (try saying that five times).


The games are the core of the consoles. With these releases and so much more, Playstation will surely dominate the market.

Sony’s got this.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!



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