My Pokemon Card Collection

I’ve been working on my small collection of Pokemon cards. Here’s the story:

When I was a kid, about six or seven years old, I had a large Pokemon card collection. It was massive, believe me. I had at least 700 to 900 cards in total. I was the biggest geek in Pokemon between my friends.

Just recently, about a few years ago, my parents threw out my collection. Without me knowing, I had to accept it. They threw it out for no apparent reason. My precious collection, gone.

I’m trying to rebuild my collection. Here it is:

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Keep Chewing!

3 Responses to My Pokemon Card Collection

  1. That would have been awful šŸ˜¦ I too liked to collect things when I was younger (including Pokemon cards) and I’d be devastated if I lost them.
    Not because of their value, but because my collections over the years, to me, are irreplaceable.

    Good luck rebuilding!

    • DR34DNOUGHT says:

      Thanks very much! You’re right. They are irreplaceable. I’m pretty sure some of the cards that I had back then, they don’t even make anymore.

      • More than likely. Depending on how many ‘years’ you’re talking, the original cards were produced by Wizards of the Coast – they haven’t been now for quite some time so that cards they made, will never be made again.

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