How I Love Nostalgia

I’ve been a computer geek for a quite a while now. Of course, I wasn’t able to understand the beauty behind it all, like the coding and software and everything in between. One thing’s for sure, I’ve been a computer enthusiast for a long time. Anyways, here’s something to get your nostalgia running!

Here’s a little preview for the Chewy of the Week

Here’s the Chewy!

Back to the Past – 10 Awesome Vintage Computer Ads

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Pokedexes and Nintendo

Recently, Nintendo announced the Nintendo 2DS, a weirdly shaped console that is surely getting hate from the internet for its profound ugliness. But, are we ones to complain?

There has been an observation with Pokedexes and Nintendo’s handheld consoles. Instead of explanation, I believe pictures will say a thousand words.

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It’s Not Even April Fools Day…

Dear Nintendo,


The recently announced Nintendo 2DS.

Three things:

  • What the heck is this?
  • Will this be cheaper than the Nintendo 3DS?
  • Can you play Pokemon X and Y on this?

If Pokemon is playable on this and is cheaper than the 3DS, then I’ll take it!

***UPDATE (28-08-13)***

The price is $129.99, which is cheaper than the 3DS. It also plays both 3DS and DS games, which I believe is a great plus! The release date is October 12, 2013. This means many will see this as an option when buying Pokemon X and Y! I can’t wait!

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Laughing is Good

Here are some great computer jokes that will surely make you laugh!

The General Ones

Like car accidents, most hardware failures are due to driver errors.

Evolution is God’s way of issuing updates.

My software doesn’t have bugs. It just develops random features.

These must really hurt for Windows…

The box said “requires Windows Vista or better,” so I installed Linux.

What’s the difference between a computer virus and Windows? Viruses do something.

Computers are like air conditioners; they stop working after you open windows.

Apple still sucks…

The best accelerator for a Mac is the one that causes it to speed up at 9.81 m/s^2.

While Linux literally gives away stuff for free, Apple resells it for $99.

A Mac user calls tech support and asks, “what is Linux?” The technician begins laughing and answers, “it’s an open source operating system, meaning any programmer can alter and change the source code. It’s also stable, so stable that NASA uses it at the Space Station. Oh, and it’s free!” The Mac user immediately hangs up.

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OpenOffice is Better Than MS Office

The open source world has largely increased. Through software, and potentially hardware (think of OUYA), it is slowly growing up from the young, child of the day, to the powerhouse that most of us, including me, love today.

Although I have little experience with open source, ever since I’ve used it (about 2 years ago), I fell in love with it. Sure, I wasn’t a programmer back then, but the fact that I can tamper, hack and play around with the source code, I knew two things: it will be heavily supported and it will probably have little to no bugs (I could be wrong though).

Let’s talk capabilities…

MS Office – What does it offer?

Currently, there are many distributions of MS Office. There’s MS Office 365, which gives the consumer a full year of subscription to use the whole office suite – MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS OneNote, MS Publisher, MS Access and MS Outlook. It also offers full access to MS SkyDrive, Microsoft’s attempt at online storage that is accessible anywhere. This SkyDrive has 20 GB of storage. All of this, for $99 every year.

Then there is their typical packages. All of these are at full, meaning you will not need to pay a fee every year. The Home and Student package (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) for your everyday use at only $139. There’s also the Home and Business (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) at $249. Finally, there’s Office Professional (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and Access) at $519.

Of course, if there are updates with the software, Microsoft will provide it for you. MS Office is pretty stable and if bugs are present, they are rarely found by the consumer.

OpenOffice (Apache) – What does it offer?

OpenOffice offers a word processor, a spreadsheet, a presentation maker, fully capable drawing software (think about Publisher), a database management software and formula software. Although it may not offer SkyDrive or an email program, there are always alternatives. What’s the price, you ask? Well, because it is an open source program, the price is approximately $0. Not too much, but I think it’s worth it.


I think we should all have the freedom of using office suite programs. They help with productivity and it just works. Simple as that. One thing that I like from Microsoft, is MS PowerPoint. It’s probably because I’ve used it for such a long time, that I think there would be no alternative better than it. If you do have time to learn all of the software (I only use Writer, Spreadsheet and Drawer), then use all of them. They will always have some kind of upper hand compared to MS Office.

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Just Worth Sharing

This picture is amazing. No words can describe the beauty behind this.

Egypt is at a crisis right now, and this picture is just sending the message of peace that the world needs.


One God conquers all hearts!

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Stan Lee Creates “Geek Hymn”

From what I’ve seen, I think they should make this our official anthem. When geeks gather, this should be sang after the National Anthem.


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Playstation 4 Release Date Released!

Sony has confirmed the release date of their next generation console, the Playstation 4.

The PS4 will be competing with Microsoft’s next-gen console, the XBOX One, which does not have a release date yet. However, considering the PS4 will come into retail in November, it’s almost positive that the XBOX One will come out in November.

To be quite honest, I have no plans to buy the PS4, rather, I plan to save money and build my PC this coming summer. Hopefully, I’ll be able to show you, my fellow computer lovers, my first build!

Also, according to recent reports, Minecraft will be coming to the PS4, PSVita and PS3! I cannot wait for that day to come!

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Where Do Deleted Files Go?

I’ve always wondered this question. Where do our deleted files go. I know that it stays in our hard drive, but I did not know that it was still accessible.

You can learn a lot of things from watching a 10 minute video. Especially from VSAUCE. Take a look!

I’ve learned that for you to “delete” files, you have to overwrite them. This means that you have to write over the hard drive multiple times before it’s “deleted”

I enjoy their videos because they are educational, short and sweet, and definitely entertaining.

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Join the Internet Defense League!

I am now a proud member of the Internet Defense League!

Click the photo to enter their website

Their message is simple: keep the internet in our hands.

We are the Internet, a group of cat loving users who want to have their freedom online. But because of SOPA and PIPA and the NSA trying to ruin the party, we have to build some kind of league to help protect us and our precious online world.

Join the Internet Defense League! NOW!

Keep Chewing!



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