Thoughts on Facebook Buying Oculus Rift

Last week, I wrote about Sony entering the virtual reality market by announcing their newest product in the Playstation line: Project Morpheus. It’s their very own VR device that is planned to work with most of the Playstation devices (PS4, PSMove, PSEye).

Just earlier this week, Facebook announced that they have acquired Oculus Rift for a whopping $2 billion!


As so, the company does promise to everyone that they “will not sell out.” The community can only hope that they continue their work to define this generation of wearables, specifically the virtual reality department.

My thoughts? Three simple points:

Let’s hope that Zuckerberg doesn’t repeat history and just shut down the company like what they did with WhatsApp.

*knocks on wood*

As much as we don’t want it to be, we should expect that the Oculus Rift will have some sort of social media integration similar to Playstation integrating their PS4 to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. So, I suppose Facebook is just making a big leap forward by buying the company. One thing that worries me is “virtual Facebook” where Facebook and VR come together. That would be the scariest and stupidest thing ever.

*knocks on wood*

Lastly, I wish Oculus Rift the best. I mean, the company had a great start. They had a marvelous 2013 and 2014 is looking good for them as well. I know it’s going to be great for them to become partners with an already powerful company. All I don’t want to see is “virtual FarmVille.”

*knocks on wood*

*knocks on wood*

*breaks wood*

Keep Chewing!


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