Mozilla Firefox 22

Recently, Mozilla Firefox sent out Mozilla Firefox 22. Of course, I downloaded it so that I can have the most up to date web browsing experience. I was wrong.

It’s so frustrating and annoying for me. I would be watching a YouTube video and it would crash. This constantly happened and I’m beginning to think that I should return to using Chrome. I still haven’t changed, however, it is an option.

For some reason (including Mozilla Firefox 21 and 20), the browser would always crash and each time I put my laptop on hibernate or sleep, once I resume my computing, Firefox would be slow to respond. At times, it would literally lag and crash. The Firefox “send bug” message box appears, asking me if I want to send a bug report to Mozilla.

Recently, I did a few tests. I took out a couple of my plugins and extensions (recommended by tPenguinLTG). It did not work. One thing I’m currently doing right now is using a different theme or appearance on Mozilla. It seems to be working. All I can hope for right now is for it to work properly.

Now, I’ll be reinstalling all of my plugins – only hoping that it won’t crash anymore.

Here’s a good article about Firefox and its logo changes by tPenguinLTG.

Firefox Changes its Logo Again!

Keep Chewing!

Blue Screen of Death

You know what really grinds my gears? BSODs!


Throughout my years with computers, either through my “hacker” stage, my “try everything ’til it breaks” stage and my “hardcore gamer” stage (in which I am still in), the most annoying thing ever is… BSODs.

First of all, they are a pain in the butt. When I first encountered it, I was so scared. It had words and letters that I had no idea about. It occurred with my first PC in the Philippines. It was a Dell and I had no clue with computers yet. Long story, short: I told my dad and we sent it to a computer repair shop where it was fixed. Unfortunately, my gaming data wasn’t saved, so all of my story mode saved data were deleted.

These things are annoying! They pop up either in the worst time like when I’m printing out my five page essay that is due the next day or just for a stupid reason like when I plugged in a PS2 end keyboard because I like the feel of it, it would always show up a BSOD.

It’s frustrating because it is so difficult to handle. Some codes that pop up are hard to find a solution to. Also, some BSODs do not allow full entrance to the computer, which makes it a pain (you can get in through safe mode, however).

But, because of this, it made me love computers even more. I began reading about things like dumps and safe mode and learned many new terms. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to learn about computers more.

I hate BSODs, and I’m sure my fellow Windows users hate it too.

Leave a comment below describing some of your experiences with BSODs.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!


Thanks for reading the tagline!

A Geek's Notepad

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