What EA and DICE Did Wrong


Electronic Arts is one of the biggest gaming companies today. They are also the most notorious and hated gaming companies of all time, probably because of how much money they ask for from the gamer. DLCs, game packs and season passes, they are all part of the download hub that EA uses to get money from us.

On the other hand, they make some pretty good games. FIFA series, NHL series and the Need for Speed series are just a few of the powerhouse Triple A games that they make. One game that will be our topic is Battlefield.

EA, teaming up with DICE, created the Battlefield series to show the world FPS gaming at 30 frames per second. One difference BF has against Call of Duty is freedom of roaming. The maps are huge, vehicles are accessible and the environment changes every time something happens.

Battlefield is one of the most successful first-person shooter series. It is the only competitor to the franchise king – Call of Duty.

Not all of you may agree with me. Yes, the franchise has been in a dump ever since Modern Warfare 2, but it has had some great games like the Black Ops series. But, considering that Call of Duty is making a ton of money, they still have the throne.

What did EA and DICE do wrong? Releasing a new engine too early.


Consider this: Battlefield 3 was the first game to have the new Frostbite 2 engine. It was beautiful. It kept it on 30 frames per second, but the game became ten times better. Graphics were phenomenal, sound was outstanding and overall game play changed immensely. How about Call of Duty? Well, they stuck with the same engine that they built since Call of Duty 4. Same stuff, different day.

Call of Duty still sold more copies compared to Battlefield, but Battlefield 3 definitely took that year.

The only reason why they got it wrong is because 2 years later, the next generation consoles were introduced. Call of Duty took advantage of the new hardware and created their new engine with new everything! Now, it does not mean that they can take the top this year, or this generation, but they’ll always be a competitor, especially with Call of Duty Ghosts.

Now that both have “new” engines, who will take the crown? Who will sit on the throne? We can only wait to find out.

Keep Chewing!

Call of Duty Ghosts Multiplayer Gameplay

I’m a fan of the Call of Duty franchise ever since Call of Duty World at War. When I started getting the next games, it felt a bit repetitive. With Call of Duty Ghosts, I’m not sure about my feelings on it. It’s not repetitive, but it seems like it’s still too early to take it on. I guess I like it. A lot has changed and a lot of them are good.

Here’s the trailer:

Player customization is a given. It’s definitely a huge improvement. It gives the player some freedom in the game.

I really like the way they changed the snipers! Finally, a more realistic take on the sniper rifle. Also, a new class of weapons: the Marksman class. It’s a mix of the Assault and Sniper classes. I’m assuming something like the FN FAL or the Ballista (BO2) will be in this class. Player movement has improved with the knee slide, contextual leaning and fast mantling. Graphics have immensely changed because of the new engine.

Lastly, for those gamer girls! You can now customize your player’s gender. It should be fun!

Honestly, I need a bit more gameplay to give this game a verdict.

Keep Chewing!

Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Reveal


Hey, guess what! Activision is planning to reveal Call of Duty Ghosts Multiplayer on August 14! That was unexpected…

Well, they release a game every year. I’ll be honest, I got bored after Modern Warfare 3. Black Ops 2 was a fresh game, considering that Treyarch actually supported competitive gaming (which I really love).

Excited as I am, I’m expecting the same thing. Infinity Ward seems to not care about the community. Modern Warfare 3 was a copy-paste game from Modern Warfare 2. At least Treyarch tries to keep it new with the game like the score streak system, ten points class system and the all out support for eSports.

For sure, I’ll be watching the reveal. Most likely, I’ll buy it just for the campaign (yes, I still play campaign).

Make sure to watch out for the reveal on August 14, 2013. Expect it to be at 10:00 AM PST. That’s when they usually do it.

Keep Chewing!

XBOX One vs. PS4 – Games

This is a three part series on the XBOX One and PS4. Part 1 will be Specifications, Part 2 will be Features and Part 3 will be Games.

After looking at specifications and features, we finally enter the final stage of the battle: GAMES

Let’s talk games. Both consoles and companies seem to have a good grasp at their main focus: games. But the real question is who will have the best?

The XBOX 360 and PS3 have amazing games to choose from. Although most games are cross-platform (meaning each console gets the game), we’re actually here to talk about EXCLUSIVES.

XBOX have their HALO series to thank for putting them on the market. HALO, being an exclusive only to XBOX, is one of the most popular first-person shooter games in this generation. Usually, when someone thinks XBOX, they begin to think about HALO.


Then, Call of Duty comes to mind. Activision signed a contract with Microsoft so that all the DLC (downloadable content) would come out first on the XBOX consoles. This was also confirmed for their next-gen console (XBOX One). Call of Duty, being a loved and hated franchise, is also very popular with the gaming community. It is, however, a cross-platform game.

XBOX also offers XBOX Arcade. It has not yet been confirmed with the Microsoft whether or not XBOX Arcade will be featured on XBOX One (at least according to my research). In the arcade, oldies are offered for players who just want to game for the fun of it.

Other than that, XBOX offers great exclusives, such as:

  • HALO series
  • Alan Wake
  • Gears of War series
  • Fable series
  • Forza series

Playstation offer an HUGE amount of exclusives (far greater than XBOX exclusives). Probably the most popular (currently) would be the Uncharted series.

Uncharted follows the adventure of Drake. It is, by far, one of the most popular video games on the market. But, recently it has been topped by another PS3 exclusive, Last of Us. Last of Us is “post apocalyptic” game where a dangerous virus infected many civilians, causing them to turn into hideous, disgusting, scary, filthy zombies. Yes, it is another zombie game, but who cares? It truly highlights how human emotion can get the best of us. The characters are very easy to connect to. Last of Us will surely take GOTY for 2013.


Then, there are those that are not exclusives, but have connections with Playstation. Games such as the Battlefield series (CoD’s opponent) are not exclusives, but offer DLC earlier to PS3 gamers. Ubisoft also signed a contract with Sony to assure PS3 gamers that they will get extra content for the Assassin’s Creed series. This will also more likely happen with Watch Dogs, where DLC will be offered earlier or extra content will be given.


The PS3 (and surely, the PS4) offer a large amount of exclusives, like:

  • Infamous series
  • God of War series
  • Uncharted series
  • Last of Us
  • Little Big Planet series
  • Ratchet and Clank series

Overall, I think it’s a tie. Both consoles offer different games. Some may like FPS on the XBOX while others love murder dash (AC3 joke) on the PS3. In other words, there is no clear winner. Games will always be games and cannot change under the situation of differing consoles.

Thank you very much for reading the series XBOX One vs. PS4. I appreciate the support!

Follow me on Twitter: @DR34DNOUGHT.

Keep Chewing!


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