Microsoft “Returns”

Recently, Microsoft announced that they will drop all of their policies. They are now allowing the free use of used games. They are also returning the online freedom back to the gamers. This means that XBOX One users do not have to be online once every 24 hours.

All I can say? Meh.


They had to do this just to break even. There are a few factors as to why XBOX One will not sell more than the PS4:

  • Online service is $10 cheaper in the PS4 (I think).
  • PS4 have more exclusives than XBOX One.
  • Pre-orders for the PS4 have already skyrocketed compared to the XBOX One.
  • The design for the PS4 is already a slim version compared to the bulky XBOX One.
  • The PS4 is $100 cheaper than XBOX One.

Microsoft made a huge mistake releasing the XBOX One for $499, but more importantly, they made their most costly mistake when they released their DRM policies. I think they’ll return to their DRM policies when people start buying the XBOX One.

Gamers unite! Let them know that the Playstation Nation is standing strong in victory.

Keep Chewing!


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