Pokémon Diancie Confirmed!

For some of you who do not know, there were 3 Pokémon leaked by hackers in Pokémon X and Y. These were supposed legendaries, and their sprites and codes are found within the game’s files. It’s interesting because they looked quite real and the fact that the Pokémon Company did not comment about it, it can cause some serious chaos in the forums and in the community.


Recently, CoroCoro confirmed that the Pokémon Diancie (the first one from the picture on top) will be the first Pokémon DLC. It’s a mythical Pokémon, boasting the Fairy/Rock types combination.

Honestly, I want to know the statistics of this Pokémon, whether it’ll be a very defensive type of Pokémon or a more conservative offensive type. There hasn’t been much information about Diancie, as more will follow hopefully within the month or so.

I suppose this is the Pokémon that they’ve promised to us when the community commented about the lack of new Pokémon. Also, considering that Diancie is confirmed, can we assume that Volcanion and Hoopa are confirmed as well?

Here’s the introductory video for Diancie. Enjoy!

Keep Chewing!

Video Games Make You Smarter

Do you have parents always telling you that video games are bad for you? Have you always been told by an adult that video games will lead you nowhere? Here’s something worth sharing.

Research has shown that video games are quite beneficial to the brain. There are many articles in the Internet written by professors and universities that have actual evidence and numbers that prove true to the study. The following Chewy is one that is quite recent.


Video Game Playing Found Beneficial to the Brain

It specifically talks about the video game Super Mario 64 and how it helps the brain grow in certain parts (read the full article).

I, for one, find it very interesting. Seriously, combining the conversations of both gaming and brain development is not really the issue, but rather the idea of it all. Typically, when you know someone is a gamer, you begin to think that they’re lazy and have no time for school and so on. But what’s actually happening is that due to their gaming — no matter what game it may be — it lets their brain connect the dots. It can be following the plotline of Call of Duty and making the right choices or picking the right Pokémon to train and use before battling a gym leader. It’s these small and intricate details that somehow mold and shape the brain without us gamers even trying (but seriously, we try).

So, when somebody tells you that gaming is bad for you, tell them otherwise — then offer them a nice cup of cocoa. That always works.

Keep Chewing!


Think Geek!

Do you have a friend who loves Doctor Who? Got a buddy who loves computers? How about a family member who just won’t stop playing video games?

This coming holiday season, you don’t need to go out and shop for a perfect gift for your computing colleague. Instead, go shopping at ThinkGeek!


ThinkGeek is one of the best places to buy all kinds of awesome toys. Stuff like t-shirts, action figures, collectibles and so much more!

Here’s the site:

ThinkGeek: Stuff for Smart Masses

Keep Chewing!

Free Rice!

I dedicate this Chewy to the Philippines. May you, my motherland, be able to rise from the rubble. To my fellow Filipinos: we’ve been pushed down before and we’ve fallen countless times, but the beautiful thing about us Filipinos is that we were able to rise again. We are stronger than ever because of this. My family continues to pray for you, my beloved countrymen and countrywomen. And we’ll never stop praying until the day you get back up.


The Philippines was hit by a treacherous storm last week and I’ve been trying to find ways to give back and help to my country. One website that I’ve been on is FreeRice.com, a website that donates ten grains of rice for each answer that you got right. It may seem a little but it adds up.

It also teaches you vocabulary. Yeah.

Here’s the website: FreeRice.com

Please visit the website, because they’re specifically donating rice to the victims of the Typhoon Haiyan.

Keep Chewing and Keep Praying!

Games Worth Your While

The gaming world has definitely changed for the past decade. From Super Mario to Pokémon to Mortal Kombat, a lot has changed. I’ve been gaming for quite some time now, Pokémon RED being my first video game and a GameBoy being my first console. I love gaming and that will never change. Some may say that I’m addicted. What I tell them, in return, is: “The greatest things can only be truly enjoyed with moderation.”

Keep reading…

How I Love Nostalgia

I’ve been a computer geek for a quite a while now. Of course, I wasn’t able to understand the beauty behind it all, like the coding and software and everything in between. One thing’s for sure, I’ve been a computer enthusiast for a long time. Anyways, here’s something to get your nostalgia running!

Here’s a little preview for the Chewy of the Week

Here’s the Chewy!

Back to the Past – 10 Awesome Vintage Computer Ads

Keep Chewing!



Assassin’s Creed IV Gameplay

Ubisoft finally released some gameplay for the upcoming Assassin’s Creed IV! In this video, they showed all the gamers how open the new world is. As you may know, AC4 takes place in the Caribbean. We follow Edward Kenway, a new assassin who is not yet recognized by the Order of Assassins. In this gameplay, he tries to gain notoriety (or in his perspective, fame) to tell the Order that he is one of them.


Of course, they also showed us the new mechanics of the Naval Warfare. Rum seems to be very important in this game, because it can be sold at a very high price when purchased by the right buyer. You can take out enemy ships, or spare them to loot all of their packages and belongings.

Here’s the video:

Keep Chewing!

XBOX One vs. PS4 – Games

This is a three part series on the XBOX One and PS4. Part 1 will be Specifications, Part 2 will be Features and Part 3 will be Games.

After looking at specifications and features, we finally enter the final stage of the battle: GAMES

Let’s talk games. Both consoles and companies seem to have a good grasp at their main focus: games. But the real question is who will have the best?

The XBOX 360 and PS3 have amazing games to choose from. Although most games are cross-platform (meaning each console gets the game), we’re actually here to talk about EXCLUSIVES.

XBOX have their HALO series to thank for putting them on the market. HALO, being an exclusive only to XBOX, is one of the most popular first-person shooter games in this generation. Usually, when someone thinks XBOX, they begin to think about HALO.


Then, Call of Duty comes to mind. Activision signed a contract with Microsoft so that all the DLC (downloadable content) would come out first on the XBOX consoles. This was also confirmed for their next-gen console (XBOX One). Call of Duty, being a loved and hated franchise, is also very popular with the gaming community. It is, however, a cross-platform game.

XBOX also offers XBOX Arcade. It has not yet been confirmed with the Microsoft whether or not XBOX Arcade will be featured on XBOX One (at least according to my research). In the arcade, oldies are offered for players who just want to game for the fun of it.

Other than that, XBOX offers great exclusives, such as:

  • HALO series
  • Alan Wake
  • Gears of War series
  • Fable series
  • Forza series

Playstation offer an HUGE amount of exclusives (far greater than XBOX exclusives). Probably the most popular (currently) would be the Uncharted series.

Uncharted follows the adventure of Drake. It is, by far, one of the most popular video games on the market. But, recently it has been topped by another PS3 exclusive, Last of Us. Last of Us is “post apocalyptic” game where a dangerous virus infected many civilians, causing them to turn into hideous, disgusting, scary, filthy zombies. Yes, it is another zombie game, but who cares? It truly highlights how human emotion can get the best of us. The characters are very easy to connect to. Last of Us will surely take GOTY for 2013.


Then, there are those that are not exclusives, but have connections with Playstation. Games such as the Battlefield series (CoD’s opponent) are not exclusives, but offer DLC earlier to PS3 gamers. Ubisoft also signed a contract with Sony to assure PS3 gamers that they will get extra content for the Assassin’s Creed series. This will also more likely happen with Watch Dogs, where DLC will be offered earlier or extra content will be given.


The PS3 (and surely, the PS4) offer a large amount of exclusives, like:

  • Infamous series
  • God of War series
  • Uncharted series
  • Last of Us
  • Little Big Planet series
  • Ratchet and Clank series

Overall, I think it’s a tie. Both consoles offer different games. Some may like FPS on the XBOX while others love murder dash (AC3 joke) on the PS3. In other words, there is no clear winner. Games will always be games and cannot change under the situation of differing consoles.

Thank you very much for reading the series XBOX One vs. PS4. I appreciate the support!

Follow me on Twitter: @DR34DNOUGHT.

Keep Chewing!

Playstation 4 Reveal: E3 2013 COVERAGE

Just a small post for everyone. I’ll be covering the PS4 Reveal on E3 2013. I’m watching the whole thing and posts will be up tomorrow and on Wednesday for my opinions and insights on the games, the specs, the pricing and everything PLAYSTATION! Also, I’ll be writing about my fave developers like EA, Ubisoft and Activision. I’m READY! Are you?

***Sony’s livestream has ended***

Awesome and Keep Chewing!


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