Pokémon Diancie Confirmed!

For some of you who do not know, there were 3 Pokémon leaked by hackers in Pokémon X and Y. These were supposed legendaries, and their sprites and codes are found within the game’s files. It’s interesting because they looked quite real and the fact that the Pokémon Company did not comment about it, it can cause some serious chaos in the forums and in the community.


Recently, CoroCoro confirmed that the Pokémon Diancie (the first one from the picture on top) will be the first Pokémon DLC. It’s a mythical Pokémon, boasting the Fairy/Rock types combination.

Honestly, I want to know the statistics of this Pokémon, whether it’ll be a very defensive type of Pokémon or a more conservative offensive type. There hasn’t been much information about Diancie, as more will follow hopefully within the month or so.

I suppose this is the Pokémon that they’ve promised to us when the community commented about the lack of new Pokémon. Also, considering that Diancie is confirmed, can we assume that Volcanion and Hoopa are confirmed as well?

Here’s the introductory video for Diancie. Enjoy!

Keep Chewing!

The Gamer’s Creed

The gaming community – a powerful and enjoyable group of brothers and sisters who cannot put down the controller, cannot stop pressing the keyboards and cannot stop click their mice. It’s this group of faithful and loyal ‘Defenders of the Lost Art’ that will surely stay strong through the years, no matter how much the media itself has tried to kill it.

We’ve strived for the best and only for the best because we know we are the best. Gamers are dedicated, genius in precision, creative in thinking and knowledgable in the field. We can no longer suffer with such undignified wrath from naysayers and haters, because all we do is get coins, pull down flags and win. That’s it.

I’d like to propose a Gamer’s Creed, similar to the idea of an “Assassin’s Creed” or an “Apostle’s Creed.”

I am a gamer.

I rule kingdoms. I kill the undead. I murder the merciless. I fight hordes of aliens. I take down flags. I assassinate evil men. I push through the battlefields. I answer the call to duty. I stand strong in the midst of impossiblity. I stand firm in a world of hate and despair.

I live a life of lives.

I am a gamer.

And I’m damn proud to be one.

I feel that this creed, as simple as it may be, truly speaks about what a gamer really is. I personally wrote this from my heart and my personal experiences (of course). I hope that this creed is sufficient enough. I don’t think it’ll be considered an “official” creed at some point in the future, but it’s a nice inspiration point.

Gaming is not just a hobby. It’s a lifestyle.

Keep Chewing!

The Strength of Sony

sony_logoSony: the company that changed (and continues to change) the world. It has been well known throughout the continents that Sony is an electronic Goliath. What started off as a small company turned into a massive, oversized monster that can eat other companies alive.

But, in the story of Goliath, there has to be a David — or in Sony’s case, Davids.

Companies like Microsoft, Nintendo, Samsung and Panasonic are always trying to topple the giant to its downfall, and much to avail, has failed through the years.

In my honest opinion, Sony, is probably (and this may sound controversial) the most powerful company in the gaming industry. Do you know why Sony is the king?

Sony is powerful in TWO different countries.

We know that Sony is a Japanese based corporation. They started their Japan and their HQ is in Japan. Simple enough, right? How about we take one product from Sony’s arsenal that has always been a big seller and a record holder: the Playstation. Sony, with respect to Sony of America, continually conquers the gaming world. They are bestsellers both in Japan and the United States. Of course, Microsoft has no chance in Japan, but the fact that Sony is seriously competing with Microsoft in their own home turf? That sends a statement.

Also, let’s not forget about Nintendo – another gaming company. You can argue that Nintendo and Sony have their horns locked in place, but I assure you, Playstation sales are far better than the WiiU sales. However, Nintendo does have Sony on a choke hold when it comes to portable devices (Nintendo’s 3DS and 2DS, only because of Pokémon). Nonetheless, Sony is strong in Japan.

However you want to look at Sony, behind the curtain of failures lies their success — and there’s no one stopping them now.

Except for, you know, Samsung in the smartphone game…

Keep Chewing!

Tech Highlights of CES 2014

CES 2014 was amazing! I can’t believe that it’s already over!

There are so many things to talk about from CES 2014, much of it being about the technology leaps that each powerhouse company took on their products. Here are my favourites from the show.

4K TVs, UHDTVs and Curved Display


Seriously, we cannot seem to get enough of this. Television sets are once again becoming significant in the living room. Remember when there was a downfall in television sales because the Internet took the world by storm (I don’t remember either, but it felt like it). At some point, people were less likely to watch and use their TVs and much rather just sit down and use their PCs. Of course, that doesn’t mean TV is dead. With the latest display resolutions, possible future standards and other unique capabilities TVs will get (I’m talking about Smart TVs), I’m sure we’ll be back sitting on our couch watching the latest episode of the Big Bang Theory.



I can’t stop talking about gaming! CES 2014 became a gaming hub this week, with companies like Sony and Valve showing up at the party. Sony revealed Playstation Now, a game stream service for their consoles and Valve opens up the information about the Steam Box, specifically about all the companies that will be making their own Steam Box with their own specifications and modifications. Razer also revealed Project Christine. It’s a modular design PC that makes it easy for the average consumer to change and switch out any hardware. Oculus Rift also made a big splash at CES 2014 with other makes of their already awesome device. 2014 will definitely be a gaming year. Definitely!



Wearable technology also took off this year. Although wearables like the Samsung Galaxy Gear and the Pebble came out last year, the attention towards the idea has only increased a during CES 2014. Intel and Sony are getting into the game, with Intel’s idea of wearables already in the works and Sony’s Core revealed in their keynote. Although the presence of wearables in this year’s CES was weak and disappointing, the technology surely has gotten a lot more attention than before.

Google Chromebook


I didn’t really talk much about the Google Chromebook only because I’m not really a big fan of it, but nonetheless they made a statement at CES. Dell and Toshiba wanted to tell the world that they’re putting their full support on this young project. The Chromebooks are nothing compared to what we currently have, but I guess that’s the point. It’s not for everyone, but it can be for someone.

Playstation Now


I’ve been waiting for Sony to talk about their plans for Gaikai since they bought it. Playstation Now is their online cloud streaming service for the Playstation consoles. They’re planning to start a closed beta and hoping to open the service this coming summer. I can’t wait!

The Consumer Electronic Show was a success! Everyone enjoyed the information, previews, sneak peeks and reveals. It was a great way to celebrate technology at its finest.

Keep Chewing!

The Presence of PC Gaming at CES 2014

PC gaming has always been an interesting topic. This year at CES 2014, it became even more interesting. Companies like Alienware and GIGABYTE are making their own Steam Boxes and making a name for the flag of PC gaming. The Steam OS is getting high praises for its implementation of gaming into the modern PC gamer’s arsenal.

There are a few interesting concepts that have been introduced in CES. All of them are related to PC gaming.

“Project Christine”


A suitable name, really.

Razer unveiled “Project Christine on the first day of CES 2014. It’s a modular design for a PC. It looks sleek, yet over top considering how the design is “out of this world.” I really like the performance screen on the front. It will be useful, especially for me who is obsessed on the perfomance of my PCs.

To be fair, the idea is genius. It targets the typical consumer who knows nothing about computers. They can simply buy a some sort of capsule and simply switch out their hardware with a different one. Of course, this would call upon the term “proprietary” in the hardware department, but nonetheless, a great idea

14 Companies To Make Steam Machines


Whatever you call it, a Steam Box or Steam Machine, this is exciting news!

There are 14 companies (and probably more in the future) that have revealed that they will be making their own Steam Box/Steam Machine hardware packed with the Steam OS. Here are the 14 companies:

  • Alienware
  • Alternate
  • CyberPowerPC
  • Digital Storm
  • Falcon NW
  • GigaByte
  • iBuyPower
  • Maingear
  • Material.net
  • Next Spa
  • Origin PC
  • Scan
  • Webhallen
  • Zotac

Interesting, Razer isn’t in the list. I guess they’re too busy working on crazy projects like Christine.

CES 2014 ends tomorrow, January 10, 2014. Who do you think will have a last minute “breaking news” moment? Which company do you think will reveal something on the last day to “save the best for last” and show some amazing innovation? Maybe a 12 day battery?


CommitStrip: The real Innovation that we’re wating for at CES

Keep Chewing!

Things to Expect For 2014

Technology always changes. It’s a known fact. Remember when CDs used to be the rave? Now, CDs are only good for, things that I can’t name at the moment. Our music became digital, software became downloadable online and movies are also becoming more popular in the digital format. I can say that the CD is the floppy disk of our generation.

Of course, as technology changes, our society changes. The world changes either for the better (email, social connection through the Internet) or for the worse (terrible websites, unnecessary activities) and we need to adapt to it. Personally, I’m still waiting for the hoverboards from Back to the Future, but that seems farfetched (yet achievable).


One of the technological feats that will change the world, specifically this year, would be the implementation of the robotics in our daily life. Amazon is trying to push their idea of using drones to deliver purchased merchandise to the home of the customer in 30 minutes or less. Think of it as delivery pizza – but with a four propeller machine instead of a human. It’d be nice to have a drone for yourself but you’d have to have some kind of next level security clearance just to learn how to fly one. Amazon thinks it will benefit not only the company as a whole but also the customers. I don’t know – it seems unsafe and difficult to set this idea up. AI technology has to be completely revolutionary just so that the drone can navigate. Also, building a mass of these drones will not be a walk in the park.


Wearable technology will also be popularized. Google started with this trend with Google Glasses. I still think a person wearing a pair will look like an idiot. However, if they can implement this into normal prescription glasses, I might give it a shot. Watches are also becoming technologically advanced. The Samsung Galaxy Gear and the Pebble are big competitors in this market, although I’m sure Apple will make some sort of “iWatch” and send it out and every single Apple lover will get one. Once again, Apple gets their money and everyone has a useless, hardware and software proprietary device.

steamboxGaming will also change this year. Valve and their infamous Steam Box are rolling out this year, according to Steam. There has been no announced release date. Instead, Valve said “2014” and that’s it. This means that both the PS4 and the XBOX One will have another competitor in the contest (face it, the Wii U can’t really compete). There are so many games that are anticipated this year like Watch Dogs and Destiny. Watch Dogs has been delayed to a later date, but Destiny has be destined to be released on September 9, 2014. I cannot wait for Naughty Dog to start talking about the next installment of Uncharted.

2014 is going to be a wonderful year for technology (and gaming). The power of computing will definitely continue to evolve and progress. All we have to do is watch out.

Who knows, maybe we’ll finally get Half Life 3?

Keep Chewing!

Pokémon Theories

Pokémon theories have been on the Internet for as long as I’ve been playing. The theories are very well studied, have definite and accurate evidence and are sound when it comes to possibility. Here are my two favourite theories:

The Ditto – Mew/Mewtwo Theory


If we look at the statistics of Ditto and Mew, we find that both share the same base stats and colour when they are shiny. They are also the two Pokémon in the original 151 that have Transform as a move when caught. The theory states that Ditto is a failed attempt of cloning Mew. The only reason why I included Mewtwo in the theory title is because Mewtwo is the “successful clone of Mew.”

The Pokémon War


When you go to the Vermillion City gym, you battle a military officer named Lt. Surge. When you speak to him, he talks about his Pokémon helping him in the war. This suggests that the past storyline of Pokémon (indefinitely, the Kanto region) has had a war that included Pokémon as weapons. It makes sense, because as a ten year old boy who doesn’t have a father, Pokémon centres everywhere and (my addition) some Pokémon are rare, which suggests that many Pokémon died in battle. These Pokémon are in Lavender Town and are buried at the Pokémon Tower.

These are great theories and I truly love reading them — which is why I’ve decided to write my own. The theory that I’m writing is not necessarily done and I plan to finish the theory as soon as possible once I finish my research.

Keep Chewing!

Video Games Make You Smarter

Do you have parents always telling you that video games are bad for you? Have you always been told by an adult that video games will lead you nowhere? Here’s something worth sharing.

Research has shown that video games are quite beneficial to the brain. There are many articles in the Internet written by professors and universities that have actual evidence and numbers that prove true to the study. The following Chewy is one that is quite recent.


Video Game Playing Found Beneficial to the Brain

It specifically talks about the video game Super Mario 64 and how it helps the brain grow in certain parts (read the full article).

I, for one, find it very interesting. Seriously, combining the conversations of both gaming and brain development is not really the issue, but rather the idea of it all. Typically, when you know someone is a gamer, you begin to think that they’re lazy and have no time for school and so on. But what’s actually happening is that due to their gaming — no matter what game it may be — it lets their brain connect the dots. It can be following the plotline of Call of Duty and making the right choices or picking the right Pokémon to train and use before battling a gym leader. It’s these small and intricate details that somehow mold and shape the brain without us gamers even trying (but seriously, we try).

So, when somebody tells you that gaming is bad for you, tell them otherwise — then offer them a nice cup of cocoa. That always works.

Keep Chewing!


How Pokémon Changed My Life

I’ve been playing Pokémon nonstop lately and I’ve been wondering: why is the game still this awesome. It feels like it hasn’t changed.

To be quite honest, the game hasn’t changed. Instead it changed me — in a good way too.

I mean, the game itself has changed through the years. I remember when battling was just using a move and just murdering the NPC’s Pokémon because of our “powerful Pokémon.” Now, it has gotten too complicated.

Pokémon has a special place in my heart because it changed my life. Completely.

It started when I was about 7 years old. I’ve only been introduced to gaming at a minor level. Simple games like 3D Pinball and Minesweeper. This later on changed to NBA LIVE ’05 to Counter Strike Source. It became a hobby, a way to get out of reality.


When I saw a friend of mine playing this “video game where you walk around and catch these creatures called Pokémon,” I just knew I had to get it. Forgive me, but my very first Pokémon game was Pokémon Ruby. It became my center of attention. Everyday, I trained my Pokémon. I would battle day in and day out just so that I can continually improve my powerhouse team. It was an amazing feeling. Since then, I’ve gotten every single generation. I owned Pokémon Silver, Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon FireRed, Pokémon Pearl and Pokémon Black. Unfortunately, due to monetary reasons, I do not have Pokémon X or Y, nor do I have the main console for it, the Nintendo 3DS.

The way that Pokémon has changed my life was through the most difficult times of my life: school. I was an honour student at a Montessori school in the Philippines. I do have a close knit group of friends, but had only a handful outside of school. School became my favourite place to be in. I had my friends, my best friends and my very close female friend (that’s another story). Almost all of us guys had at least one Pokémon game and we’d always battle through our game link cable. It was a blast battling with other people who, like me, worked hard to strengthen and train their Pokémon. I remember trading my Shiny Altaria for my friend’s Shiny Absol. I also remember defeating the strongest out of the five of us. When that happened, they crowned me the new Pokémon Champion of our school and we’d battle again until someone else would be crowned. It was a part that I will never forget.


Because of Pokémon, I was able to build a group of friends that still lasts until today. We’ve changed since then, but one thing hasn’t: our love for the game of Pokémon. Our group of friends kind of reminds me of the group of friends we have in the game. Coincidence? I think not.

Keep Chewing!

Rejoice Summoners!

League of Legends is one of the most popular games on the PC today. It’s a real-time strategy massive multiplayer online role playing game.

I love to get into the game every now and then, especially when I’m home alone with nobody to distract or annoy me. A tool that a friend has told me about is the League of Legends Strategy Building Tool by MOBAFire.

League of Legends Strategy Tool – MOBAFire

I use this tool every time I need information. Before getting into the client, I check out the free Champions of the week, new Champions and Champion spotlights. It’s useful because you have all of them in one website. You don’t need to go anywhere else.

They also have video streams of games, eSports coverage and online tournaments.

For all the Summoners, I definitely recommend this tool!


Keep Chewing!


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