Cheat Sheet for Geeks

There are so many things a computer geek needs to know.

We need to know everything from hardware to software to freeware to groupware — and trust me, that’s not an easy task.

One of the things that can actually make a computer geek feel dumbfounded are those computer ports at the back of a desktop PC. At some point, I’ve always messed up at least twice or three times and confused one port to the other. So, I searched far and wide to find this!

rwhdjNot only does this include ports, but it also showcases different types of RAM, CPU sockets, peripheral cards, power connectors, desktop card slots, hard drive types and processor card sockets and slots. It’s a great resource to carry around.

I, myself, have one on my phone in case I need it — and I think computer geeks need to know, or at least familiarize themselves, to these components.

Keep Chewing!

You Should Probably Do This Now

Do you have a buddy who has a computer, yet does not have a backup image for their hard drive? Would you like to remind them?

Then search no longer!

This is the site for them! It’s a great website to remind you — and your very careless friend — that hard drives are not invincible and they are able to shut down or malfunction anytime.

Go ahead, send them the link. They’ll thank you later!


Keep Chewing!

Speed Dating a PC

This is the first post for the category “Tech Support.” It will feature any tech questions and support that will help the lost beginner.

The title may have thrown you off. This article is actually about choosing the right PC using the Speed Dating method. I used this method when I bought my laptop a year ago.

School is coming. Students are working hard to earn minimum wage. Some are saving up for University/College funds. Some are just saving up so they can get some pocket money. And then there’s you. As a teenager, you want to buy your own computer. Fact is, the computer that you already have was bought by someone else. That someone isn’t you. So, you plan to buy a PC.

After working hours and hours at that popular fast food restaurant, you finally saved up enough money to buy a PC. Now what?buyingPC

Ask yourself the following questions in exact order.

  1. Do I really need it? (If yes, continue)
  2. What am I going to use it for? (Answers may vary)
  3. Do I have the money for it? (If yes, continue)

Now that you have all the things needed – objective and cash – you may now begin to think about buying a computer!

Before you begin with the Speed Dating method, you WILL need the following:

  • The money, of course…
  • A little bit of PC knowledge
  • Two to three hours of your day

The idea of this method is simple. Given the two to three hour time frame, you go to your nearest electronics retail store (ex. Best Buy or Future Shop etc), go to the computers section and “date” any computer that catches your eye. This is where PC knowledge comes in. Learn about its features, performance, hardware and software. Take a look at its processor, how much RAM it has (and can handle), what operating system (although most of the time it will be Windows 8, but if you get lucky, get Windows 7), and all of its specifications. List them down so that later, when looking at other PCs, you’ll be able to compare them against each other. Give yourself at least fifteen minutes per computer and switch to another one. By this rate, you’ll be able to look at eight computers in two hours. Use the last hour for figuring what you need to purchase like warranty, setup and other software. Then, use your money to buy it. Make sure you take into account all the taxes the government adds in when purchasing an electronic device.

It actually took me approximately one hour to figure out which laptop to buy. It was probably because I planned it before and did my research online. I just had to check it out myself in a demo at Best Buy to see if I liked it.

This is a great method to use when buying your first PC because not only do you gain a great PC, you also gain knowledge about the pros and cons of different types of computers.

Keep Chewing!

Building a PC

Consider the following:

You’re a computer lover. No, a computer enthusiast.

Tweaking your own PC is everything that you do. Coding is second nature to you. When your friends need tech help, they almost always go directly to you.

You’ve also taken Computer Engineering courses, only to learn multiple and helpful things. One of which would be learning about the internal parts of a tower PC. You’ve read about CPUs, GPUs, HDDs, SSDs and everything hardware. The BIOS menu is now your close friend. You know every piece and you also know how to use every tool in your dad’s toolbox. Now what?

Well, it comes down to one thing, and one thing only. Building your own PC.

PC Components

Truth be told, I was planning on building a tower this year and write about the journey in this blog. But due to priorities being held against me (like paying my phone bill and saving up for University), I am monetarily unable to purchase parts. However, that does not stop me from learning and finding resources.

That’s where PC It Yourself (pronounced “Piece It Yourself”) comes in. I found this amazing site where beginners – like myself – can get some interactive help for building a PC from scratch.

PC It Yourself

As my plans for making Nixxy (my future PCs nickname) takes a step back, I’m sure there will be some beginners out there who will use this site wholeheartedly.

Keep Chewing!


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