Math Jokes

In celebration of Math, here are a few math jokes that’ll surely make you giggle. If, for some unexplainable reason, you don’t get it, Numberphile has a great video explaining them.

  1. A man walks into a bar and asks for an order 10 times more drinks than everyone else. The bar man says, “now that’s an order of magnitude.
  2. An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first mathematician orders one pint, the second ordered one-half a pint. The third ordered one-fourth of a pint. The fourth ordered one-eighth of a pint. Eventually, the bar man gives two pints and says, “you mathematicians, you just don’t know your limits.”
  3. Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine.
  4. How do you make seven even? Remove the s.
  5. Two cats are standing on a roof. Which one falls off first? The one with the smallest mu.
  6. What did zero say to eight? “Nice belt.”
  7. What do you get if you cross a mosquito and mountain climber? Nothing, because you can’t cross a vector and a scalar.

I’ll be honest, before I even watched the explained portion (I basically skipped each explanation and went through the jokes first before actually watching the video in full), I didn’t quite get most of them (especially numbers 2 and 7). After the video, I laughed and continued on with my day.

Here’s the video from Numberphile:

Keep Chewing!

The Ultimate Star Wars Prank

This has just entered my bucket list. After watching this, I can’t just simply let the “gullible people in an elevator” opportunity go to waste. I have to do this before I die.

The force is strong with this one.

Keep Chewing!

Programmer Puns

I found these online. When I read  them, I laughed so hard that I have no clue why. Here we go!

  1. What does a programmer drink when writing code for a long period of time? JAVA
  2. What kind of juice does a programmer like? Orange juice because it has Vitamin C!
  3. What kind of pet does a programmer have? A pet Python!

CORNY TO THE MAX! Here’s some corn.


Keep Chewing!

This Made My Day!

Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was an awesome May the Fourth and Cinco de Mayo weekend. Take hold! I call it Pardon the Pun (PTP). I found inspiration reading puns online when I was bored.

Here you go:

Why did the programmer quit his job?

Because he didn’t get arrays!

Joke pun = new Joke (system.pun);

Keep Chewing!


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