The Strength of Sony

sony_logoSony: the company that changed (and continues to change) the world. It has been well known throughout the continents that Sony is an electronic Goliath. What started off as a small company turned into a massive, oversized monster that can eat other companies alive.

But, in the story of Goliath, there has to be a David — or in Sony’s case, Davids.

Companies like Microsoft, Nintendo, Samsung and Panasonic are always trying to topple the giant to its downfall, and much to avail, has failed through the years.

In my honest opinion, Sony, is probably (and this may sound controversial) the most powerful company in the gaming industry. Do you know why Sony is the king?

Sony is powerful in TWO different countries.

We know that Sony is a Japanese based corporation. They started their Japan and their HQ is in Japan. Simple enough, right? How about we take one product from Sony’s arsenal that has always been a big seller and a record holder: the Playstation. Sony, with respect to Sony of America, continually conquers the gaming world. They are bestsellers both in Japan and the United States. Of course, Microsoft has no chance in Japan, but the fact that Sony is seriously competing with Microsoft in their own home turf? That sends a statement.

Also, let’s not forget about Nintendo – another gaming company. You can argue that Nintendo and Sony have their horns locked in place, but I assure you, Playstation sales are far better than the WiiU sales. However, Nintendo does have Sony on a choke hold when it comes to portable devices (Nintendo’s 3DS and 2DS, only because of Pokémon). Nonetheless, Sony is strong in Japan.

However you want to look at Sony, behind the curtain of failures lies their success — and there’s no one stopping them now.

Except for, you know, Samsung in the smartphone game…

Keep Chewing!

I Draw Pokémon When I’m Bored


When I’m really bored, I tend to draw things. Most of the time, it’d be sketches and random doodles that will just come to life on my page. It’d be something like stick ninjas trying to save Princess Inspira of Tao Shin Kingdom or two crocodiles eating vegetables for a change. It’s weird when I get bored.

But this time, something else came up. Pikachu!

I mean, who doesn’t love Pikachu, right? Pikachu is such an adorable little creature and for some reason I just drew it (yes, it is a sketch off of another sketch online).

I don’t know what else can come up from these random sparks of boredom. Hopefully next time, it’d be something worth sharing – like this one!

Keep Chewing!


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