The Future is Here

The future is fast approaching, especially when it comes to technology.

One thing that has changed immensely in the past decade are cellphones. It started as a portable device that is capable of making phone calls. Multiple things are added later on, like a built in music player and camera. We, too, have adapted to this change of technology and moreover, began a revolution for smartphones.

When our smartphones break, however, we can’t really do much. All we can do is get it repaired. If not, our next option is get it replaced. That’s a problem both for the consumer and for the environment.

But, what if our phones were customizable like a custom built PC? What if, instead of buying a generic smartphone, you can build yours? What if, in the case that your phone breaks, and only new parts are need, you can simply buy and install one yourself?

Introducing PhoneBloks! A phone worth keeping!

Although this might still be a concept, it’s a great one! We can only hope that this will turn out to be a great project! Plus, it’s like a Lego phone! Sweet!

Show your support by going to their ThunderClap page!

Keep Chewing!

The Lego Movie

I am so excited for this. To be honest, I never thought that they would even bother making something like this. It’s one of those times where I like being proven wrong.

Warner Bros will be making a Lego Movie!

Here’s the trailer:

I cannot wait. It is definitely something worth looking out for in 2014.

Keep Chewing!


Thanks for reading the tagline!

A Geek's Notepad

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