Beautiful and Fast

As much as I despise the user interface of Windows 8, I can’t talk crap about its speed. It’s fast and I won’t be arguing with the fact.


A friend sent me a video which I found very interesting. I see it as “comedic genius” coming from Microsoft and I find it to be a very effective way of marketing the product.

Is it just me, or is the girl’s face and the way she looked at the camera kind of scary? It freaked me out for a bit…

Keep Chewing!


My Relationship With Windows XP

I’ve only been a “computer guy” for a short time – maybe 4 or 5 years. The only time I looked at a computer more than twice was when I played video games on it. I’m a gamer before computer geek.

My computer story never started on something advanced like Windows Vista (pardon the joke). Instead, it started with Windows XP.

As a child, my parents bought a computer to help us in school (and to play video games). I can’t recall what the system was, but all I knew it was Windows XP. To me, it was beautiful. The blue taskbar with the green Start button. The green hills background known as Bliss graced my desktop. It didn’t change because I had no clue how to change it.

I was fond of the computer. I did not tweak it, play around with the settings or modified it for that matter. I just played video games and did my homework on it. That was it.

That’s where it all began. From an old computer to something ten times powerful like Hannah Patricia. I wouldn’t consider myself a “computer lover” back then, but I knew how to use a mouse. That counts, right?

In Tech class, I found this:


It reminded me a lot of my old setup. It was a PC, CRT monitor and a mechanical keyboard. All of them had the same colour! It was beautiful.

I wanted to write this because, for some who do not know, Microsoft will stop supporting XP and Office 2003 in 2014.

Lest We Forget Windows XP and Office 2003

Keep Chewing!

Two Shades of Classic

Gather around everyone! I’m about to tell you a story!

Not long ago, I, the admin of this blog, once knew nothing about computers. NOTHING!

My computing journey began when my dad finished setting up the new desktop we had in our house. It was an Acer (not too sure) and it was standard at the time. The computer was just a rising star in the world and we needed one for school and work. It had Windows XP on it. The famous green hills background was on it and so was the green Start logo button and the blue taskbar.


Of course, I didn’t know how to use it, so I had to watch my father fiddle with this in that. At some point, he allowed me to use it (game with it, at least). I started playing those computer games that the computer had: 3D Pinball and Minesweeper.


Then, one day, my mom brought me to her workplace told me to go play on one of the computer while she took care of things. I got to play this old FPS game that lets you play as a sniper. I can’t remember the name, but the weird thing was that it was on Windows 2000. I t was an old, terrible graphics video game, and it was on Windows 2000! Back then I didn’t know that it was older compared to XP.

I really liked the look of Windows 2000. I’m impressed because it had that nice box shape for the windows, a two colour theme (blue and grey) and was running fairly well, considering I was playing a video game on it.

I guess that’s how I fell in love with the theme of Windows Classic. Our friend, tPenguinLTG (a BIG fan of Windows Classic), sent me Classic theme. When I had time, I tweaked and modified it to my liking and preferences. Now it looks like a nice Windows Classic theme: simple and elegant, yet tickles you with nostalgia.

If you’d like to download and try the theme, here it is:

Two Shades of Classic


“Two Shades of Classic” revives the old Windows Classic theme with a modernized look.

WARNING: This will not work for Windows 8! This is specifically made for Windows 7 users.

The theme consists of modifications to the taskbar and the colour scheme. It has only two colour schemes: grey and darker grey. You may tweak the theme as you wish.

Keep Chewing!

Tips on PC Speed

We’ve all been there. The computer is not running at its maximum performance, your data entries and other documents are always crashing. It’s tough when you’re in that situation.

Keep reading…>

Laughing is Good

Here are some great computer jokes that will surely make you laugh!

The General Ones

Like car accidents, most hardware failures are due to driver errors.

Evolution is God’s way of issuing updates.

My software doesn’t have bugs. It just develops random features.

These must really hurt for Windows…

The box said “requires Windows Vista or better,” so I installed Linux.

What’s the difference between a computer virus and Windows? Viruses do something.

Computers are like air conditioners; they stop working after you open windows.

Apple still sucks…

The best accelerator for a Mac is the one that causes it to speed up at 9.81 m/s^2.

While Linux literally gives away stuff for free, Apple resells it for $99.

A Mac user calls tech support and asks, “what is Linux?” The technician begins laughing and answers, “it’s an open source operating system, meaning any programmer can alter and change the source code. It’s also stable, so stable that NASA uses it at the Space Station. Oh, and it’s free!” The Mac user immediately hangs up.

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Lenovo IdeaPad Z500

NCIX, a computer company that sells computers, parts, PC games and other gadgets, let me demo and review this laptop.


Lenovo IdeaPad Z500

Lenovo is one of the awesome companies that actually sell some darn good computers. Their laptops have true accessibility, performance and power. Although Windows 8 is completely unusable, I’m sure, as a geek, you’ll figure something out. If you’re not a geek, go get a geek. They’re not that hard to find.

The IdeaPad Z500 is a great starter laptop. For those who want something cheap, but has a bang for their buck, this one is a great choice.


  • Intel i5-3230M @ 2.6 GHz (Dual-core) with 3 MB Cache
  • Intel HD 4000 GPU (shared RAM)
  • 6 GB DDR3 SDRAM (2 slots)
  • 1 TB HDD @ 5400 RPM
  • 15.6″ (1366 x 768)
  • 4 cell 5 hour battery

From my personal experience, it holds out. It’s very fluid and smooth when it comes to processing. I gamed on it for a bit (Minecraft) and find it fine on run. Considering Windows 8, I still felt a bit locked out. Other than that, the performance is good, the graphics are great and the sound is fine.

I’m sure the 6 GB RAM can be upgraded to 8 GB, but that’s my only preference. Oh, and install something like Windows 7 (it should be worth it) and get rid of that lousy Windows 8 operating system. After installing Windows 7, you may commence ULTIMATE TWEAKING! Play around with the settings, install all the necessary proprietary drivers, install your own personal theme, the whole nine yards! Then after that, you can finally sleep soundly at night.

Unless, you actually like Windows 8. If so, go to the doctor and get yourself checked out.

In conclusion, the Lenovo IdeaPad Z500 is a laptop that’s doing what it’s supposed to do: work. It’s your typical home, browsing, word processing and gaming laptop. I don’t think it can handle bigger multimedia power (like a heavy session of League of Legends), but it can certainly give what the user wants.

Priced around $700, it’s a great buy!

Lenovo IdeaPad Z500

Keep Chewing!

Blue Screen of Death

You know what really grinds my gears? BSODs!


Throughout my years with computers, either through my “hacker” stage, my “try everything ’til it breaks” stage and my “hardcore gamer” stage (in which I am still in), the most annoying thing ever is… BSODs.

First of all, they are a pain in the butt. When I first encountered it, I was so scared. It had words and letters that I had no idea about. It occurred with my first PC in the Philippines. It was a Dell and I had no clue with computers yet. Long story, short: I told my dad and we sent it to a computer repair shop where it was fixed. Unfortunately, my gaming data wasn’t saved, so all of my story mode saved data were deleted.

These things are annoying! They pop up either in the worst time like when I’m printing out my five page essay that is due the next day or just for a stupid reason like when I plugged in a PS2 end keyboard because I like the feel of it, it would always show up a BSOD.

It’s frustrating because it is so difficult to handle. Some codes that pop up are hard to find a solution to. Also, some BSODs do not allow full entrance to the computer, which makes it a pain (you can get in through safe mode, however).

But, because of this, it made me love computers even more. I began reading about things like dumps and safe mode and learned many new terms. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to learn about computers more.

I hate BSODs, and I’m sure my fellow Windows users hate it too.

Leave a comment below describing some of your experiences with BSODs.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!


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