I’m a bit late, but it’s better late than never.

Windows 8.1 is a free update from Windows 8. It adds new features, including the infamous Start button. Most of the additions are towards giving the user more options for customization, but overall it’s “better” than the Windows 8 that we all hate and despise.

Actually, anything is a better upgrade than the original Windows 8. I’ve had my share of annoyance towards the OS. In fact, while doing coop in Future Shop, one of our tasks was to setup new PCs with Windows 8. It was so frustrating at first because of the large learning curb between Windows 7 transitioning into Windows 8. The GUI is almost the same, except for the metro tiles that Microsoft is trying to push into their devices (XBOX 360/One, Windows phones).

Anyways, here’s a look at the new features for Windows 8.1

Keep Chewing!

Guide to Linux

So, I haven’t had much insight towards this topic: Linux.

Linux, being an awesome, open source and free operating system is growing fast! There are new users each day, no matter which distribution. Truly, it is a remarkable piece of software.

I found this site, talking about what Linux is and everything in between. It’s called Newbie’s Guide to Linux.


What’s my take on Linux? Not much, really. I haven’t got the chance to fully use, although I’ve learned how to install it and used it for a few days in class. It’s a great operating system and worth downloading and installing. Honestly, I don’t have enough experience with it to give it any verdict. I did enjoy using it even though it was only for a while.

I actually laughed a little after reading Microsoft’s comment on Linux.

Sorry if I haven’t had any activity for the past few days. I missed the Chewy of the Week from last week, so I’ll be posting three Chewies this week.

Keep Chewing!


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