Thank You World


It’s been over a week since Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, creating a path of destruction that was not only felt by those who were victimized, but also by the world. Many celebrities have tweeted their support for the Philippines and find it amazing how the human race, as imperfect as we are, know how to stand together as one family. I love the world for that.

Out of all the countless tweets, it’s the news that made me cry. CNN’s Anderson Cooper was reporting on the scene in Tacloban City. He put out this report.

I would like to speak on behalf of my fellow Filipinos. Mabuhay ka rin Anderson. Salamat Anderson Cooper. Salamat.

Maraming salamat for each and every country that gives their continuous help, love and support. Thank you.

Keep Praying

Free Rice!

I dedicate this Chewy to the Philippines. May you, my motherland, be able to rise from the rubble. To my fellow Filipinos: we’ve been pushed down before and we’ve fallen countless times, but the beautiful thing about us Filipinos is that we were able to rise again. We are stronger than ever because of this. My family continues to pray for you, my beloved countrymen and countrywomen. And we’ll never stop praying until the day you get back up.


The Philippines was hit by a treacherous storm last week and I’ve been trying to find ways to give back and help to my country. One website that I’ve been on is, a website that donates ten grains of rice for each answer that you got right. It may seem a little but it adds up.

It also teaches you vocabulary. Yeah.

Here’s the website:

Please visit the website, because they’re specifically donating rice to the victims of the Typhoon Haiyan.

Keep Chewing and Keep Praying!


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