My Coincidental Stats


This is great! I have a 22/7 or 3.14 views to visitors ratio! You know what this means? Geek Mode!

Did you know that the value of Pi is considerably infinite. Pi and circumference were one of the first few things I learned by myself. I was actually very inspired to study ahead back when I was about Grade 2 or 3. This gave me an advantage in my class. I loved it. Then, my geek level increased to almost maximum power: I began playing Pokemon Fire Red. It was my third Pokemon game: PKMN Red, PKMN Crystal, PKMN Fire Red, PKMN Ruby, PKMN Emerald, PKMN Pearl and PKMN Black.

Probably my next Geek Mode would be my small card collection. Hopefully by then, I would increase my collection.

Thanks for reading along and thank you for the support!

Awesome and Keep Chewing!


Thanks for reading the tagline!

A Geek's Notepad

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