I Draw Pokémon When I’m Bored


When I’m really bored, I tend to draw things. Most of the time, it’d be sketches and random doodles that will just come to life on my page. It’d be something like stick ninjas trying to save Princess Inspira of Tao Shin Kingdom or two crocodiles eating vegetables for a change. It’s weird when I get bored.

But this time, something else came up. Pikachu!

I mean, who doesn’t love Pikachu, right? Pikachu is such an adorable little creature and for some reason I just drew it (yes, it is a sketch off of another sketch online).

I don’t know what else can come up from these random sparks of boredom. Hopefully next time, it’d be something worth sharing – like this one!

Keep Chewing!

Games Worth Your While

The gaming world has definitely changed for the past decade. From Super Mario to Pokémon to Mortal Kombat, a lot has changed. I’ve been gaming for quite some time now, Pokémon RED being my first video game and a GameBoy being my first console. I love gaming and that will never change. Some may say that I’m addicted. What I tell them, in return, is: “The greatest things can only be truly enjoyed with moderation.”

Keep reading…

Mega Evolutions on Generation One

The Pokémon Community was struck with both exciting and painful (in a good way) news a few days ago. The Pokémon Company announced Mega Charizard, Mega Venusaur and Mega Blastoise!

mega-charizard mega-venusaur mega-blastoise

Here’s the trailer:

From a critical perspective, I believe that this is a great way to revive the series. Mega Evolutions are a great idea. It allows more strategy in the game than ever before! Plus, you get a nice watch with it too!

As a Pokémon Fanatic, all I can say is…


I thank you, Pokémon Company for reviving the generation one Pokémon to an amazing form. This is truly wonderful. One thing that catches me off guard is the “watch” idea. Everyone knows that Digimon was the original idea of that, maybe even Power Rangers. But nonetheless, it’s absolutely awesome!

The only reason why I said painful (in a good way) in this post is that I have no financial means to purchase a 3DS (or 2DS even) to play these games. PAIN! MEGA PAIN!

Keep Chewing!


It’s Not Even April Fools Day…

Dear Nintendo,


The recently announced Nintendo 2DS.

Three things:

  • What the heck is this?
  • Will this be cheaper than the Nintendo 3DS?
  • Can you play Pokemon X and Y on this?

If Pokemon is playable on this and is cheaper than the 3DS, then I’ll take it!

***UPDATE (28-08-13)***

The price is $129.99, which is cheaper than the 3DS. It also plays both 3DS and DS games, which I believe is a great plus! The release date is October 12, 2013. This means many will see this as an option when buying Pokemon X and Y! I can’t wait!

Keep Chewing!

More Mega Pokemon?


Nintendo and the Pokemon Company announced three more mega evolutions! This includes Mega Ampharos, Mega Absol and Mega Mawhile! I guess they’re starting to listen to us a bit. Consider the fact that most of the mega evolutions are 3rd Generation, are they hinting for a revival (remake) of the 3rd Generation game which was one of the best generations of Pokemon. Ever.

And of course, according to my research, Pokemon Company announced another mega evolution at the Pokemon tournament! Please welcome… Kangaskhan and her kid?

With Parental Bond being such a powerful ability (attacking twice in one turn), I’m sure Kangaskhan will be a great addition to the Pokemon world. It’ll be tough, tactical and strong.

It seems that they are starting to reboot some old Pokemon. I hope to see a Mega Magikarp. Finally, Splash will be useful!

Keep Chewing!


My Pokemon Card Collection

I’ve been working on my small collection of Pokemon cards. Here’s the story:

When I was a kid, about six or seven years old, I had a large Pokemon card collection. It was massive, believe me. I had at least 700 to 900 cards in total. I was the biggest geek in Pokemon between my friends.

Just recently, about a few years ago, my parents threw out my collection. Without me knowing, I had to accept it. They threw it out for no apparent reason. My precious collection, gone.

I’m trying to rebuild my collection. Here it is:

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Keep Chewing!


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