It’s Not Even April Fools Day…

Dear Nintendo,


The recently announced Nintendo 2DS.

Three things:

  • What the heck is this?
  • Will this be cheaper than the Nintendo 3DS?
  • Can you play Pokemon X and Y on this?

If Pokemon is playable on this and is cheaper than the 3DS, then I’ll take it!

***UPDATE (28-08-13)***

The price is $129.99, which is cheaper than the 3DS. It also plays both 3DS and DS games, which I believe is a great plus! The release date is October 12, 2013. This means many will see this as an option when buying Pokemon X and Y! I can’t wait!

Keep Chewing!

More Mega Pokemon?


Nintendo and the Pokemon Company announced three more mega evolutions! This includes Mega Ampharos, Mega Absol and Mega Mawhile! I guess they’re starting to listen to us a bit. Consider the fact that most of the mega evolutions are 3rd Generation, are they hinting for a revival (remake) of the 3rd Generation game which was one of the best generations of Pokemon. Ever.

And of course, according to my research, Pokemon Company announced another mega evolution at the Pokemon tournament! Please welcome… Kangaskhan and her kid?

With Parental Bond being such a powerful ability (attacking twice in one turn), I’m sure Kangaskhan will be a great addition to the Pokemon world. It’ll be tough, tactical and strong.

It seems that they are starting to reboot some old Pokemon. I hope to see a Mega Magikarp. Finally, Splash will be useful!

Keep Chewing!


Mega Evolutions (Pokemon X and Y)


In recent research, Pokemon scientists and professors were able to understand the DNA of Pokemon even more! Using the X chromosome and the Y chromosome, they have found extreme results from Pokemon, how they are formed and how they try to form. They have found that certain Pokemon are able to evolve or change in formation when given a certain rock. They call it the Mega Stone.

The Pokemon community is at it again! We finally receive news about the mysterious form of Mewtwo. Formerly known as Mewtwo X or Godspeed Mewtwo, the rumours are over. We now know that it is not an evolution, but a formation. Although according to the video, it is said that it will be an in-battle evolution. It is called the Mega Evolution. So, what does this mean?

This could mean two things:

Mega evolutions are already confirmed to only work with the Mega Stone attached to the Pokemon. Therefore, the Pokemon would return to its normal formation (original evolution chart) either by taking away the stone or after every battle (I also speculate that online tournaments would ban this in game feature).

There could be a possibility that in-battle evolutions will occur. Let’s say your Charmeleon enter level 36 while in battle. It can evolve into Charizard. One thing that bothers me is that the evolution process could count as your turn, which would hassle my strategy for the battle.

One thing’s for sure, not a lot of people like the idea. I’ve been through the Facebook page of Pokemon when they featured the video, and many are not feeling it. I like it. It changes the way we play Pokemon, which, in retrospect, can be both a blessing and a curse.

Lastly, is Mewtwo going to be available in the game, or will it be an addition or DLC later on?

Keep Chewing!


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