Touch Board: Interactivity Everywhere

Passionate people produce powerful products.

An open source friendly company named Bare Conductive has created a masterpiece. These open source computer geeks truly love innovation. They have created the Touch Board!

The Touch Board makes everything interactive! It uses an Arduino base for it’s main structure and uses their revolutionary Electric Paint to connect to their Touch Board. It’s one of those “epic things that you want to have all over your house” kind of technology.

I find it amazing and worth checking out! Here’s their KickStarter video!

I see the future implementing this idea in our homes — and I can’t wait to have one!

Keep Chewing!

Computer Languages

We live in a world where computers are becoming more and more powerful each day. That is why we need our society to adapt to the needs of this growing technology.

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Command Line Radio

I’m one of those people who love to listen to music while programming. It feels calming and gets me into rhythm. I don’t know about you and your coding rituals and preferences: drinking coffee or tea, listening to music, eating a light snack.

For those who love music, love discovering music and love the black and white, typewriter font command line, here’s an interesting website to go to:



The website runs on music from SoundCloud, a music sharing website.

It’s fun, creative and free. My experience with it is impressive. I’ve gone from country music and ended the night with a little bit of classical music.

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Programmers and Music

When my Computer Science teacher gave us an assignment or project, it would usually take me a while to figure things out. I want to make sure that I knew every concept and more. I tried to make sure that I was ahead of the class, not only because this is my futureĀ  but it’s also because I enjoy the course.

So, while I’m working my butt off either asking people (like tPenguinLTG) for some Java help or just reading information, pages and pages of forum answers and other resources, I need a proper setup. I have a nice router extended from the basement all the way to the 2nd floor of my house. I always have either a can Arizona iced tea or a cup of coffee before or while writing code.

I use Eclipse, which is a free IDE. It’s by far my favourite IDE because of its functionality and ease of us. The user interface is awesome and it actually helps you become a better programmer.

Finally, there’s one thing that I always have to have when writing code. I need music.

This may be weird to some, but I love listening to classical music when writing code. I usually listen to Ludwig van Beethoven, Vivaldi and Mozart. I have a small compilation of music that usually runs approximately five hours is more than enough for me.

These are definitely in my playlist.

Symphony No. 5 – Beethoven

Four Seasons – Vivaldi

The reason why I like listening to some classical music is because it helps me relax. Coding is stressful. You can ask any programmer, veteran or beginner, and they’ll tell you the same thing. Also, listening to musicians such as Mozart helps the brain function better. I guess that’s one of the reasons why we have a small cassette collection of Mozart.

Try listening to some music while coding. Take a pick of any genre that you enjoy, make a playlist and just do it.

Keep Chewing!

Programmer Puns

I found these online. When I readĀ  them, I laughed so hard that I have no clue why. Here we go!

  1. What does a programmer drink when writing code for a long period of time? JAVA
  2. What kind of juice does a programmer like? Orange juice because it has Vitamin C!
  3. What kind of pet does a programmer have? A pet Python!

CORNY TO THE MAX! Here’s some corn.


Keep Chewing!

This Made My Day!

Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was an awesome May the Fourth and Cinco de Mayo weekend. Take hold! I call it Pardon the Pun (PTP). I found inspiration reading puns online when I was bored.

Here you go:

Why did the programmer quit his job?

Because he didn’t get arrays!

Joke pun = new Joke (system.pun);

Keep Chewing!


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