Video Games Make You Smarter

Do you have parents always telling you that video games are bad for you? Have you always been told by an adult that video games will lead you nowhere? Here’s something worth sharing.

Research has shown that video games are quite beneficial to the brain. There are many articles in the Internet written by professors and universities that have actual evidence and numbers that prove true to the study. The following Chewy is one that is quite recent.


Video Game Playing Found Beneficial to the Brain

It specifically talks about the video game Super Mario 64 and how it helps the brain grow in certain parts (read the full article).

I, for one, find it very interesting. Seriously, combining the conversations of both gaming and brain development is not really the issue, but rather the idea of it all. Typically, when you know someone is a gamer, you begin to think that they’re lazy and have no time for school and so on. But what’s actually happening is that due to their gaming — no matter what game it may be — it lets their brain connect the dots. It can be following the plotline of Call of Duty and making the right choices or picking the right Pokémon to train and use before battling a gym leader. It’s these small and intricate details that somehow mold and shape the brain without us gamers even trying (but seriously, we try).

So, when somebody tells you that gaming is bad for you, tell them otherwise — then offer them a nice cup of cocoa. That always works.

Keep Chewing!



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