Pokémon Diancie Confirmed!

For some of you who do not know, there were 3 Pokémon leaked by hackers in Pokémon X and Y. These were supposed legendaries, and their sprites and codes are found within the game’s files. It’s interesting because they looked quite real and the fact that the Pokémon Company did not comment about it, it can cause some serious chaos in the forums and in the community.


Recently, CoroCoro confirmed that the Pokémon Diancie (the first one from the picture on top) will be the first Pokémon DLC. It’s a mythical Pokémon, boasting the Fairy/Rock types combination.

Honestly, I want to know the statistics of this Pokémon, whether it’ll be a very defensive type of Pokémon or a more conservative offensive type. There hasn’t been much information about Diancie, as more will follow hopefully within the month or so.

I suppose this is the Pokémon that they’ve promised to us when the community commented about the lack of new Pokémon. Also, considering that Diancie is confirmed, can we assume that Volcanion and Hoopa are confirmed as well?

Here’s the introductory video for Diancie. Enjoy!

Keep Chewing!

The Gamer’s Creed

The gaming community – a powerful and enjoyable group of brothers and sisters who cannot put down the controller, cannot stop pressing the keyboards and cannot stop click their mice. It’s this group of faithful and loyal ‘Defenders of the Lost Art’ that will surely stay strong through the years, no matter how much the media itself has tried to kill it.

We’ve strived for the best and only for the best because we know we are the best. Gamers are dedicated, genius in precision, creative in thinking and knowledgable in the field. We can no longer suffer with such undignified wrath from naysayers and haters, because all we do is get coins, pull down flags and win. That’s it.

I’d like to propose a Gamer’s Creed, similar to the idea of an “Assassin’s Creed” or an “Apostle’s Creed.”

I am a gamer.

I rule kingdoms. I kill the undead. I murder the merciless. I fight hordes of aliens. I take down flags. I assassinate evil men. I push through the battlefields. I answer the call to duty. I stand strong in the midst of impossiblity. I stand firm in a world of hate and despair.

I live a life of lives.

I am a gamer.

And I’m damn proud to be one.

I feel that this creed, as simple as it may be, truly speaks about what a gamer really is. I personally wrote this from my heart and my personal experiences (of course). I hope that this creed is sufficient enough. I don’t think it’ll be considered an “official” creed at some point in the future, but it’s a nice inspiration point.

Gaming is not just a hobby. It’s a lifestyle.

Keep Chewing!

How Pokémon Changed My Life

I’ve been playing Pokémon nonstop lately and I’ve been wondering: why is the game still this awesome. It feels like it hasn’t changed.

To be quite honest, the game hasn’t changed. Instead it changed me — in a good way too.

I mean, the game itself has changed through the years. I remember when battling was just using a move and just murdering the NPC’s Pokémon because of our “powerful Pokémon.” Now, it has gotten too complicated.

Pokémon has a special place in my heart because it changed my life. Completely.

It started when I was about 7 years old. I’ve only been introduced to gaming at a minor level. Simple games like 3D Pinball and Minesweeper. This later on changed to NBA LIVE ’05 to Counter Strike Source. It became a hobby, a way to get out of reality.


When I saw a friend of mine playing this “video game where you walk around and catch these creatures called Pokémon,” I just knew I had to get it. Forgive me, but my very first Pokémon game was Pokémon Ruby. It became my center of attention. Everyday, I trained my Pokémon. I would battle day in and day out just so that I can continually improve my powerhouse team. It was an amazing feeling. Since then, I’ve gotten every single generation. I owned Pokémon Silver, Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon FireRed, Pokémon Pearl and Pokémon Black. Unfortunately, due to monetary reasons, I do not have Pokémon X or Y, nor do I have the main console for it, the Nintendo 3DS.

The way that Pokémon has changed my life was through the most difficult times of my life: school. I was an honour student at a Montessori school in the Philippines. I do have a close knit group of friends, but had only a handful outside of school. School became my favourite place to be in. I had my friends, my best friends and my very close female friend (that’s another story). Almost all of us guys had at least one Pokémon game and we’d always battle through our game link cable. It was a blast battling with other people who, like me, worked hard to strengthen and train their Pokémon. I remember trading my Shiny Altaria for my friend’s Shiny Absol. I also remember defeating the strongest out of the five of us. When that happened, they crowned me the new Pokémon Champion of our school and we’d battle again until someone else would be crowned. It was a part that I will never forget.


Because of Pokémon, I was able to build a group of friends that still lasts until today. We’ve changed since then, but one thing hasn’t: our love for the game of Pokémon. Our group of friends kind of reminds me of the group of friends we have in the game. Coincidence? I think not.

Keep Chewing!

My Relationship With Windows XP

I’ve only been a “computer guy” for a short time – maybe 4 or 5 years. The only time I looked at a computer more than twice was when I played video games on it. I’m a gamer before computer geek.

My computer story never started on something advanced like Windows Vista (pardon the joke). Instead, it started with Windows XP.

As a child, my parents bought a computer to help us in school (and to play video games). I can’t recall what the system was, but all I knew it was Windows XP. To me, it was beautiful. The blue taskbar with the green Start button. The green hills background known as Bliss graced my desktop. It didn’t change because I had no clue how to change it.

I was fond of the computer. I did not tweak it, play around with the settings or modified it for that matter. I just played video games and did my homework on it. That was it.

That’s where it all began. From an old computer to something ten times powerful like Hannah Patricia. I wouldn’t consider myself a “computer lover” back then, but I knew how to use a mouse. That counts, right?

In Tech class, I found this:


It reminded me a lot of my old setup. It was a PC, CRT monitor and a mechanical keyboard. All of them had the same colour! It was beautiful.

I wanted to write this because, for some who do not know, Microsoft will stop supporting XP and Office 2003 in 2014.

Lest We Forget Windows XP and Office 2003

Keep Chewing!

Rejoice Summoners!

League of Legends is one of the most popular games on the PC today. It’s a real-time strategy massive multiplayer online role playing game.

I love to get into the game every now and then, especially when I’m home alone with nobody to distract or annoy me. A tool that a friend has told me about is the League of Legends Strategy Building Tool by MOBAFire.

League of Legends Strategy Tool – MOBAFire

I use this tool every time I need information. Before getting into the client, I check out the free Champions of the week, new Champions and Champion spotlights. It’s useful because you have all of them in one website. You don’t need to go anywhere else.

They also have video streams of games, eSports coverage and online tournaments.

For all the Summoners, I definitely recommend this tool!


Keep Chewing!

Just Two Days Away

I know I have not been posting very much, which is why I’ll be dedicating this long weekend for catching up with some posts that I should’ve put out a while back. Thank you for continually supporting Tech Gum! Your awesomeness is appreciated!

We are approximately 2 days away from the biggest launch this year for Nintendo and the Pokémon Company. Pokémon X and Y will be coming out this Saturday, October 12, 2013! It’s also the day that came to this cold, frozen country of Canada six years ago. A very important day for me and my family!

Let’s break down all the news that recently came out:

Evolutions for Pokémon X and Y Starters!


They’ve already released evolutions for Fennekin, Froakie and Chespin. They’re called Quilladin (Chespin), Braixen (Fennekin) and Frogadier (Froakie). Respectively, they look awesome. Quilladin is under fire because it’s different from the others, because Frogadier and Braixen look sleek, sophisticated and sexy, while Quilladin is cute and chubby — similar to Pignite. To me, they’re all awesome. However, if I get Pokemon X and Y, I’ll be getting Fennekin. I’ve always wanted to try a fire-type team. It’s worth a shot.

Mega Charizard X!


Two words: FIRE DRAGON!

The Special Edition Pokemon X and Y Nintendo 3DS Systems

That was a mouthful! I have no comments about this, probably because I can’t afford it. It looks great. The design is unique and abstract at the same time. I’ll probably stick to the Nintendo 2DS, when I get the cash.


This is fantastic! I can’t wait for the release, watch a few gameplay videos and probably get it! Until then, I’ll be just admiring it from afar!

Are you going to get Pokemon X and Y?

Keep Chewing!

Thank You Mr. Hiroshi Yamauchi

About a few days ago, Hiroshi Yamauchi, former Nintendo CEO, passed away at the age of 85.

MR Yamauchi

He’s the CEO that brought us our favourite games like Super Mario Bros, Metroid, Kirby, Donkey Kong and all the Nintendo classics that we still love today.

I would like to apologize to my chewers for not posting about this quick enough. On behalf of the Tech Gum team, I would like to give my condolences to his family and the Nintendo family.

You will be missed, but never forgotten.


Mega Evolutions on Generation One

The Pokémon Community was struck with both exciting and painful (in a good way) news a few days ago. The Pokémon Company announced Mega Charizard, Mega Venusaur and Mega Blastoise!

mega-charizard mega-venusaur mega-blastoise

Here’s the trailer:

From a critical perspective, I believe that this is a great way to revive the series. Mega Evolutions are a great idea. It allows more strategy in the game than ever before! Plus, you get a nice watch with it too!

As a Pokémon Fanatic, all I can say is…


I thank you, Pokémon Company for reviving the generation one Pokémon to an amazing form. This is truly wonderful. One thing that catches me off guard is the “watch” idea. Everyone knows that Digimon was the original idea of that, maybe even Power Rangers. But nonetheless, it’s absolutely awesome!

The only reason why I said painful (in a good way) in this post is that I have no financial means to purchase a 3DS (or 2DS even) to play these games. PAIN! MEGA PAIN!

Keep Chewing!


Mega Evolutions (Pokemon X and Y)


In recent research, Pokemon scientists and professors were able to understand the DNA of Pokemon even more! Using the X chromosome and the Y chromosome, they have found extreme results from Pokemon, how they are formed and how they try to form. They have found that certain Pokemon are able to evolve or change in formation when given a certain rock. They call it the Mega Stone.

The Pokemon community is at it again! We finally receive news about the mysterious form of Mewtwo. Formerly known as Mewtwo X or Godspeed Mewtwo, the rumours are over. We now know that it is not an evolution, but a formation. Although according to the video, it is said that it will be an in-battle evolution. It is called the Mega Evolution. So, what does this mean?

This could mean two things:

Mega evolutions are already confirmed to only work with the Mega Stone attached to the Pokemon. Therefore, the Pokemon would return to its normal formation (original evolution chart) either by taking away the stone or after every battle (I also speculate that online tournaments would ban this in game feature).

There could be a possibility that in-battle evolutions will occur. Let’s say your Charmeleon enter level 36 while in battle. It can evolve into Charizard. One thing that bothers me is that the evolution process could count as your turn, which would hassle my strategy for the battle.

One thing’s for sure, not a lot of people like the idea. I’ve been through the Facebook page of Pokemon when they featured the video, and many are not feeling it. I like it. It changes the way we play Pokemon, which, in retrospect, can be both a blessing and a curse.

Lastly, is Mewtwo going to be available in the game, or will it be an addition or DLC later on?

Keep Chewing!

What a Devilish Score

Just wanted to share my stat sheet on LoL on this one game. My LoL username is xFLuFFee. Add me if you want to play together. I’ll play with you if I have the time.

what a devilish score

League of Legends at its finest. Ashe is my long ranger.

Keep Chewing!


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