My Coincidental Stats


This is great! I have a 22/7 or 3.14 views to visitors ratio! You know what this means? Geek Mode!

Did you know that the value of Pi is considerably infinite. Pi and circumference were one of the first few things I learned by myself. I was actually very inspired to study ahead back when I was about Grade 2 or 3. This gave me an advantage in my class. I loved it. Then, my geek level increased to almost maximum power: I began playing Pokemon Fire Red. It was my third Pokemon game: PKMN Red, PKMN Crystal, PKMN Fire Red, PKMN Ruby, PKMN Emerald, PKMN Pearl and PKMN Black.

Probably my next Geek Mode would be my small card collection. Hopefully by then, I would increase my collection.

Thanks for reading along and thank you for the support!

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

Silicon Photonics

Hello everybody! It’s Thursday once again! It’s Chewy of the Week day!

This one’s a doozy!

1 TERABIT PER SECOND. That’s about 128 GB per second!

This, my friends, is evolution at its finest. Intel has done it again!

Stay awesome and Keep Chewing!

My Healthy Hate With Apple

First of all, I would like to give credit where it’s due.

Steve Jobs is one of the most important people that revolutionized the computing world. His story is astounding and amazing. He left his legacy to a world that will surely miss his black turtleneck and his profoundly simple yet awesome presentations. May God rest his soul.

Apple, Steve Jobs’ company is a great company. In fact, it pushed the boundaries of computing. Now, almost all of our smartphones are as powerful or more powerful than your average PC or laptop 5-6 years ago. My phone is stronger than my Acer desktop.

Now, let’s return to What Really Grinds My Gears.

You know what really grinds my gears? Apple.

I want you to take a look at this graphic. This should explain my healthy hate with Apple.


The fact this, Apple overprices everything! The only thing that they are trying to sell is the “beauty” of a Mac. I doubt it.

Also, the services that they offer are pretty freakin’ overpriced (excuse my language). Recently, a guy brought in his Mac Air. It had water damage. On average, a PC to be fixed of water damage is about $300 – $400, which still hurts. But for a Mac? On average, it’s about $800 – $950! CRAZY!

Yeah. That’s about it. Hopefully you enjoyed the rant even though it’s really short.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

Learn to Code!

Hey everyone! Sorry about the Chewy of the Week not being put out on Thursday. I can’t seem to decide which site to feature. Here we go!

I ran into this Mashable article about sources that offer free lessons and resources for programming and coding. I found these very informative and helpful!

I hope you enjoy!

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

Learn to Code for Free With These 10 Online Resources

Programmer Puns

I found these online. When I read  them, I laughed so hard that I have no clue why. Here we go!

  1. What does a programmer drink when writing code for a long period of time? JAVA
  2. What kind of juice does a programmer like? Orange juice because it has Vitamin C!
  3. What kind of pet does a programmer have? A pet Python!

CORNY TO THE MAX! Here’s some corn.


Keep Chewing!

Rekindling the Collection

This is Geek Mode: a new series where I post all things geek. Here we go!


Recently, I had this idea of having some kind of collection. My cousin collect key chains from places he’s been to. My brother wants to collect fitted hats and snapbacks of his favorite teams. I realized I don’t have a good collection (I do have an accounted amount of 354 Pokemon combined from all the games) so why not start one. I thought of Pokemon cards, which I actually use to collect. Now, I had a mission: to purchase starter cards from the US and begin a collection. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

So, I purchased some here in Canada from Walmart. They come in pretty cheap at around $5. I feel so happy that I have rekindled my collection and love for Pokemon and Pokemon cards. Now, I can begin my collection once again.

At some point, I will have to show my collection when it is worthy enough for a post. It’s only small, for now.

Keep Chewing!

PDP PlayStation 3 AFTERGLOW Wireless Controller



I’m a hardcore gamer. I love playing my video games almost everyday (even when my parents don’t know it). One thing that a gamer needs is a controller. The keyboard and mouse was my original controller when I played some Counter Strike and World of Warcraft. Now, my PS3 Dual Shock controller is my baby. Unfortunately, my baby doesn’t like milk.

Because of my hectic schedule, I had to move my gaming day to Thursday last week (my long weekend). When I game, I would get a cold glass of milk and some cookies for the intermissions and breaks between each match. After playing some Black Ops 2, I decided to play some FIFA 13 with my brother. We would play some FIFA Ultimate Team together and battle those strong AI controlled teams. When I scored an awesome goal on Valdes from Barcelona, I got so happy that I accidentally spilled milk on my controller. Now, it’s broken.

So, earlier today I purchased this set from Staples. They are very cheap at around $25. In the beginning, I thought I would like the design (which I still do). I loved the fact that it had the interface of an XBOX 360 controller because it makes it easier to control and use. However, there was a problem: the concave joystick.

I did not like it. It was a hassle to my FPS gaming and I lost accuracy on it. I tried it a few times on Combat Training before entering any League games. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out.

I still give the product a good rating: 3 out 5 stars.

Overall, it’s a great design. I guess it’s just not for me.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

Meaning of TECH GUM

My buddy tPenguinLTG told me to tell my viewers what’s the meaning of my blog’s title Tech Gum. Here we go!

Let’s dissect this title into two sections: Tech and Gum.

Tech is the base of this blog. I love computers and technology. It’s my hobby and passion and I love sharing my knowledge and passion to my viewers. One thing I like to put into play is that it’s not just all tech. Tech could expand from computer technology to science technology, software and hardware and even human technology. This means it any of my posts could have something to do with cars, gadgets and technological breakthroughs. My options are limitless. Technology is the future and I find it very interesting.

Gum is the flavor of the blog. It’s the content that makes the blog interesting. This includes my love for gaming, my geek side and the wonderful and creative side of technology. Gum also represents on how the reader chews on the articles that are posted. It’s a concept that I stand on.

Anyways, I hope that you are able to understand the idea of this blog.

Stay awesome and Keep Chewing!

Blue Screen of Death

You know what really grinds my gears? BSODs!


Throughout my years with computers, either through my “hacker” stage, my “try everything ’til it breaks” stage and my “hardcore gamer” stage (in which I am still in), the most annoying thing ever is… BSODs.

First of all, they are a pain in the butt. When I first encountered it, I was so scared. It had words and letters that I had no idea about. It occurred with my first PC in the Philippines. It was a Dell and I had no clue with computers yet. Long story, short: I told my dad and we sent it to a computer repair shop where it was fixed. Unfortunately, my gaming data wasn’t saved, so all of my story mode saved data were deleted.

These things are annoying! They pop up either in the worst time like when I’m printing out my five page essay that is due the next day or just for a stupid reason like when I plugged in a PS2 end keyboard because I like the feel of it, it would always show up a BSOD.

It’s frustrating because it is so difficult to handle. Some codes that pop up are hard to find a solution to. Also, some BSODs do not allow full entrance to the computer, which makes it a pain (you can get in through safe mode, however).

But, because of this, it made me love computers even more. I began reading about things like dumps and safe mode and learned many new terms. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to learn about computers more.

I hate BSODs, and I’m sure my fellow Windows users hate it too.

Leave a comment below describing some of your experiences with BSODs.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

JVC Xtreme Xplosives

NEW POST TYPE: REV TECH – reviews on awesome gadgets and technologyheadphones-review

Hey everyone! I shall be reviewing these awesome headphones: JVC XTreme Xplosives

I’m a big listener of classic style Tagalog rap. I listen to Francis M, Gloc 9 and Andrew E. I also listen to my favourite OPM bands. These guys bring the music!

Before I had these, I had Skull Candy. They were terrific but didn’t last very long. They were cheap and I’m assuming this is the reason why these do not last very long.

After a while of patience, I realize I needed to purchase some new headphones. Long story, short: these bad boys were on sale.

The sound on these are phenomenal. I compared them with my friend’s Beats and it would beat it with no contest (pun intended). I really enjoy these headphones and find them very comfortable. They have a built microphone that I use when on the go and need to make a call. One unfortunate con to this pack is that the microphone button only works as a play/pause button. I was hoping it would be better than that, maybe skip or rewind. Other than that, the sound is crisp and clear, the noise cancellation is awesome and the flow of music is smooth.

Take a good look for these bad boys on Shop Bot. I’m sure they have ’em in Amazon too.

RATING: 4.5 out of 5

Thanks and Keep Chewing!


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