My HP Pavilion M6

This is REV TECH! This time, it’s about my HP Pavilion M6.


Name: Hannah Patricia – HP Pavilion M6
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
Processor: AMD A8 4500M APU @ 2.2 GHz with AMD Radeon Dedicated Graphics (1GB)

Pretty good right? It comes with HP CoolSense engineering so that the airflow within the system is smooth, thus making it cooler in any situation. This allows me to game for hours and not worry about the heat hurting my processor and motherboard.

The on-board RAM is great! It works well with my gaming and surfing the internet. The processor is pretty good overclocked at 2.2 GHz. The AMD Radeon Dedicated Graphics is awesome. The video is smooth and sleek.

It also has Beats Audio built in for maximum music power usage! I love the audio on this thing although I only have my JVCs.

With its sleek design, its beautiful to look at. At first, it does look like a Macbook, but it’s better than that. Ten times and more.

*I understand that this one has an Intel processor. No difference whatsoever.

The laptop also came with Adobe Premiere and Adobe Photoshop. It was a bonus! The graphics support these programs very well and rarely freezes.

With the power A8 processor, the built in dedicated graphics, sleek design, Beats Audio and free Adobe editing software, this one is a keeper!

FINAL VERDICT: 8.7 out of 10

A great laptop overall. Worth the buy at $749! Awesome right?

Keep Chewing!

A Father’s Touch

“A father is one who is there at times of success, beauty and love. He is also there at times of pain, despair and failures. It is because of these that he is a father.”

– Anon

It’s Father’s Day. I understand I did nothing for Mother’s Day. It’s fine, I’ll redeem myself next year. I found this video and it’s worth a watch.

I know it’s late. I don’t mind.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, granddads and soon-to-be dads!

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

The Console Wars

It began on November 15, 2001. Microsoft decided to enter the console market.

It was then that the console wars began.

Both sides were tough. Both sides were strong. Both sides were powerful.

Two generations collided. The PS2 collided with the XBOX, the PS3 fought against the powerful XBOX 360.

Finally, on June 10, 2013, it ended.

The Playstation Nation and its stronghold, Sony, finally finished the battle. The war was finally over.

XBOX and Microsoft fell on their knees and started begging for mercy. Sony already crippled them by supporting used games and not supporting DRM.

Sony finished the battle by announcing its initial price: $399.

After years and years of painful, dreadful internet war, it has ended.

The Console Wars are over. It is time to celebrate with victory. Buy a Playstation 4!

Join the Playstation Nation today!

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

The Playstation Nation and GAMES!

Playstation rocked the E3 event when they finally revealed almost all the info about the PS4. Everyone from the Playstation Nation and even the XBOX fanboys are excited for this console! I, myself, cannot wait!

For some who do not know, you will need a Playstation Plus account to access full online and multiplayer immersion. That’s a good start for Sony. This means they’ll improve their servers.

After revealing the design of the PS4, everyone was amazed! Considering all the consoles before, they were expecting something larger. Considering Microsoft and Sony redesign their hardware every two years or so. The PS4 is slimmer, smoother and sexier than the XBOX One. That’s a huge advantage.

Oh, and GAMES!

So many games were shown, previewed and revealed at Sony’s press conference. Triple A games like KILLZONE Shadow Fall, Infamous: Second Son, NBA 2K14, Dark Sorcerer and DRIVE CLUB! Most of these games will be Playstation exclusives!

KILLZONE Shadow Fall

Infamous: Second Son

Drive Club

Plus, Square Enix finally stole our hearts (puns intended) showed off their Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3! That’s going to be awesome, for sure!

Don’t forget Destiny! Destiny will be the next generation of larger platform, first person shooter, massive multiplayer experience (try saying that five times).


The games are the core of the consoles. With these releases and so much more, Playstation will surely dominate the market.

Sony’s got this.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!


Playstation Plus

As the Playstation 4 was revealed on June 10th, Sony did not mention the elephant in the room: Playstation Plus.

For those who do not know, we must now pay $5/month or  $50/year (discounted) for online access on the Playstation 4. This means that if you want to kill those noobs on Call of Duty, dominate the Battlefield or beat that annoying 12 year old racer on Gran Turismo, you’ll have to pay.

Now, it might be a hassle, considering not everyone plays everyday. One thing that will for sure come out of this decision is the fact that servers will improve. Consider this: XBOX 360 offers XBOX Live for gamers and in return, a great support with great online connectivity and power. Sony must prove that by purchasing the Playstation Plus, gamers will have no problems with their connection. Fingers crossed for this one!

Sony, do not make a mistake on this. You have the ball on your court!

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

Sony Supports Used Games

After Microsoft confirmed restrictions for their console (XBOX One) on used games, Sony took charge and made their move. They confirmed that they will support used games. FUS RO DAH!

This means that all the games that you buy, you can either keep it forever, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend or trade it in at a retail store.

Checkmate Microsoft.

They went too far (not really) when they posted this funny – I mean, informative and helpful video.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

Erasing the Competition

When I posted this, I began to realize: what competition?

Keep Chewing!

GTA 5 PS3 Bundle: Worth It?

Now, I understand Playstation is still trying to get some juice out of the PS3, but making a GTA 5 bundle with a 7 year old system? Very risky. I understand people have been waiting for a San Andreas remake for Grand Theft Auto, but I wouldn’t put my money on a system that will be replaced about a month later. This move might hurt Sony, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be too bad.

I know for a fact that Grand Theft Auto will be a hit, and I know Sony will be selling tons of this stuff. I’m just doubting how many can they sell. Other than the fact that it’s risky, it’s a good idea. Also, I really like the headphones. If only they sold the headphones, that would be pretty awesome!

Awesome and Keep Chewing!

Playstation 4: A New Era of Gaming

I am a gamer. A gamer plays video games. We do not watch television on our consoles. Television is for the TV and HD boxes and PVRs. Gamers game.

Also, online should not be a mandatory thing for each gamer. Online should be an option.

WOW! I must say, Sony exploded in the E3 conference.

I will be reviewing the full conference for Sony and giving them a verdict with 5 categories:

  1. Entrance
  2. Beginning
  3. Midway
  4. Ending
  5. Everything In Between

My first point, the entrance was awesome! They featured their games and animations and everything in between. I loved the dubstep entrance with the cool video in the background. I don’t think that that’s in the video I posted, but if you can find one, take a look. My verdict: 8 out of 10 for entrance.

When they started the conference, I was expecting the price in the beginning. Understandably, they have to start with what we have currently out on the market: the Playstation 3 and the Playstation Vita. Sure, it’s a good thing that they showed what’s up with the PS3 and PSVita. Arguably, people may say it’s a bad start for a worldwide reveal of something being long awaited for. I disagree. They care about their community enough to state their position on what they currently have, and they can get on to the things that haven’t even come out yet later on. Good job Sony! For the beginning: 7.5 out of 10.

Here comes the good stuff. GAMES! Nothing but games. Sony delivered what they promised. They even showed their sexy-looking PS4. With that in mind, they acknowledged that gaming is the core of the Playstation 4 and everything Playstation. Although they covered a good amount of media in the console, all they talked about were games, games and games. I must say, they really stuck it to Microsoft when they started talking about their policy on used games and online requirements. Overall, they created a console for gaming, and talked about gaming. It’s what gamers came for and watched for at E3. My verdict for the a good chunk of the presentation: 8.5 out of 10.

Although the good parts have passed (sort of), they still haven’t mentioned the pricing for the PS4. I guess they planned to end it with a bang. The Playstation 4 will be out on the shelves this coming holiday season at $399. Amazing! They are $100 cheaper compared to the XBOX ONE. Well played, Sony. Well played. My verdict for the ending: 8 out of 10. Thank you Sony!

This was a great E3, and the Sony conference blew away the gamers. They now hold the gates to what may be one of the best generation for gaming. EVER!

Awesome and Keep Chewing!


Sony E3 Press Conference Event

Here’s the full Sony E3 Press Conference Event. I finally found a really good one.

Sorry if my posts are late. Don’t worry, I got you covered tonight and tomorrow.

Awesome and Keep Chewing!


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